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Problem in Claim digger !!! Please help if you can.

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Jerome Atkin
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Hi guys,
Got a problem with claim digger on P6, it works but will not allow me to select where the file will be saved, nor can i find the saved file !!!
I’ll talk you through what I have done. There are two boxes for the programmes to compare ! then underneath this there is a box where you type the name of the file you want it to save.
Then on the right of this is a box where I believe if you click, a box will appear, where you select where to save the file too.
Mine (the little box where you type in the file name) does not work, it does not bring up any option. Nor does the View on screen button, i run the digger, all goes well !!! then nothing comes up. Try to search for the file on the computer and it is not there, run the digger again and a box appears to overwrite the file !! so it is somewhere !!
I have got around this by exporting into P3.1 but for future use can anyone tell me the following !
1) Where the files save too ?
2) Can I fix this !
Been bugging me for ages this !!


Arnold Puy
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Hi Gerome,

It will allow you to save the File by clicking the "Output File" (...) and save it where you want to locate the file.

You can even mark the check box next to "View file when done" to open for you in Excel.


Francis Moyalan, ...
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The claim digger folder is located at the following location while Ver 6.0 is installed in the Computer.

’C:\Program Files\Primavera\Project Management\Claim Digger’

and files are stored as java archive files ’.jar’.

I hope you can find your missing files here.


Francis Moyalan Varghese