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Importing Activity Codes & Values into Primavera

4 replies [Last post]
Jonathan Ward
User offline. Last seen 13 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Jan 2007
Posts: 114
Hello all,

Any ideas on this would be much appreciated. I have approx 300 new Activity Codes and Values that I need to enter into P6. I have these data already loaded into an Excel sheet (so copying ad pasting can be done) I just wondered if anyone knows of a trick to import these data directly?
I have tried running an export that lets me see the Activity Codes, however I do not see the Code Descriptions (as an Excel file). Is there a method of exporting the fields first allowing me to import the newer codes?

Once again, many thanks


Arnold Puy
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Hi Jonathan,

If it is okey for you, can you send me the excel file and I will do it for you within only 5 minutes I will send you the files in .XER format.

Here is my email add.


RJ Rivera
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Hi Jonathan,

SDK can be installed after the standalone or the PM module has been installed.

You just insert CD 1, then modify your installation then select SDK in the features to be installed. the SDK xls utilities can be downloaded thru the POINT.

Jonathan Ward
User offline. Last seen 13 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 114
Hello Arnold,

Thank you very much for your advice, would you believe that ’we’ run stand alone versions of P6 (no Enterprise) so we dont have the Software Development Kit installed and functional.

Thanks again
Arnold Puy
User offline. Last seen 10 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1147
Hi Jonathan,

You can export the new activity codes using SDK (Dictionary6x).

