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P6-Summery of percent complet

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Mohammed Abo El Magd
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Does anybody know how P6 calculate the percent complete on the WBS summery level? As example,

Finishing works PC% =?
Internal finishing PC% = 50%
External finishing PC% = 40%

How P6 calculate the PC% of Finishing works level?


Dieter Wambach
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you can find those formulas in the Help function, e.g.:

"Schedule % Complete: specifies how much of the wbs’s baseline duration has been completed so far. Computed based on where the current data date falls between the activity’s baseline start and finish dates. If the data date is earlier than the baseline Start, the Schedule % Complete is 0. If the data date is later than the BL Finish, the Schedule % Complete is 100. The Schedule % Complete indicates how much of the wbs duration should be currently completed, relative to the selected baseline." (end of quotation)

There are more %-complete types in P6.
