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Constraint at Completion Date

3 replies [Last post]
Edniel Recamadas
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Dear All,

Is it a good way to impose a Must Finished By constraint at completion date?

What are the advantages & disadvantages?

Thank you and best to all,


Edniel Recamadas
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Dear Dieter,

Thanks, excellent advise for having the constraint at activities level.

Dieter Wambach
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Dear Edniel

In my opinion it’s better to use a milestone "Project Finish" with a mandatory finish date. Why? If you control your program you’ll have a look at the Gantt chart or the network within the view "Activities" - not at the view "Projects". The "must finish by" entry will be hidden.

The effect for the calculation of your schedule will be the same.


Ferdinand Fincale...
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Dear Edniel,

"Must finish by" is a contractual target so I see nothing wrong in constraining the program with a particular project completion date. It is a good way for it will aid your scheduling and schedule update process to determine whether you are going beyond the contractual completion period by way of having negative float in the overall summary bar.

Hope this helps.

In Friendship & Service,