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Starting with PM6 as company

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Willem Prinsloo
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We are starting with primavera as a company. We are 3 guys responsible for setting up primavera. We are a small size company invlolved in diamond, gold and coal projects. Till now we have used MS project as a planning tool. We switched over to PM6 because we are looking for the database apllication. We are currently running joboss as our finiancial system and we would like to "marry" the two with coding. What I want to know is how difficult it is to change the coding if you are 3 or 4 months down the line, in other words, how important is it to spend the quality time in setting up the database and coding. This is all new to us because we have been working one planner per project and never using a database. Any help and tips would be mote then welcome.



Rob Kane
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Howzit Willem,

It all depends on how much linking you want to have between the two products, and what you want to link. There are many ways of linking, using WBS, Resource Categories, Act ID’s, Activity Codes, Project Codes to name a few,

I think you should establish what info you want to get out of primavera first, and then take a copy of a Project and have a play by adding codes, changing them etc etc to see if you get the results you are expecting.

Scarllet Pimpernel
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Hello Willem,

I have experience the same situation.

I followed Masterformat 2004 in our company coding structure.

I also use the following cost account categories:

for direct cost:
Materials, Labors, Equipment, Sub-contractors

for indirect cost:
Overhead, Contingency, Miscellaneous, Minor Tools, Tax, Profit.

I hope this will help.

Many thanks,