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Resource Assignments

2 replies [Last post]
Clay Waldrop
User offline. Last seen 15 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 17 Jun 2009
Posts: 3
Every month I have to paste my resource assignments from P6 to excel and I am running into a formatting issue.

My resources in P6 look like this:
1 - 10hrs
3 - 10hrs
5 - 10hrs

The template I have to paste into looks like this:

Is there a way that I can for P6 to show resources 2 & 4 even if they don’t have any value so that I’m not constantly adjusting my data to fit theirs?


Duy Huynh
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I think you must use a small trick in P6, create resources 2&4 with Maximum Unit/time = 0 and assign following your excel sequence.

Use the Units&Price in Resource pool to adjust those values to fit your monthly assignment.

For example, resource 2 has price/unit of $10, max unit/time of 8h/day but he doesn’t work on any activity in January- 09, Set data as follow:
Effective date --- max unit/time ---price/unit
1-Jan-08 --- 8h/d --- $10/h
1-Jan-09 --- 0h/d --- $10/h
1-Feb-09 --- 8h/d --- $10/h

If the same resource assigned to another activities the same January-09 then this method useless.


Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Hi Clay,

I moved your post to the P6 forum as I think you’ll get better responses here.

I’m not aware of a way to insert blank resources into P6 reports, but if it’s always the same resources which are omitted, you should be able to write a fairly simple macro to do that for you once the data is in excel.

