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Progress in Decimal

2 replies [Last post]
James Thorpe
User offline. Last seen 15 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 31 May 2009
Posts: 12
a) How to make progress in round figure which comes out in decimal in Performance % Complete column? Example: When I put 44% progress in Performance % Complete, it gives me that figure 44.32%, How to make round figure ?

b)Secondly how to put progress in ’Schedule %Complete’ Column?

Immediate reply would be appreciated.


James Thorpe
User offline. Last seen 15 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 31 May 2009
Posts: 12
Many thanks Arnold.

Very simple issue. can you please see your email and give comments. Its urgent.


Arnold Puy
User offline. Last seen 10 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Apr 2007
Posts: 1147
Hi James,

1. You cannot do that, you can do this by entering manually the whole number. Instead of 44.32% you can simply put it 44%.

Now, this is quite better if you are updating by means of putting the %age and only for those activities that you are currently updating. What if you are going to change the remaining duration or just simply change the current finish date. It will give you a value with decimals.

The best and easiest way to do is to create a (UDF) user defined fields. Go to Enterprise --> User Defined Fields --> select ADD, rename the Title, say (P%Comp) & select "Integer" under the Data Type.

Add the UDF into your Column. Then create a global change.
Tools --> Global Change --> select New, rename: Then add the parameters:

"Activity Status" equals "In Progress"

P%Comp = Performance % Complete

2. You cannot modify the Schedule % Complete. This value came from the baseline schedule. Computed based on where the current data date falls between the activity’s baseline start and finish date.

Hope this helps.

