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Just Asking!

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Mr. Barakat
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Dear All,

Kindly I’d like to ask, What’s the difference between "Calculate Costs from Units" and "Cost Units Linked" fields?

Just let me tell you what I understand regarding that matter in order to help you answering me.

The first one is located in the Resources-Workspace and instant you got it checked out for certain resource, you’ll find it the same for each assignment for the mentioned resource in the Resource Assignment-Workspace and the Resources tab under the Activity-Workspace.

I’m trying to show the field named "Cost Units Linked" in the last two portions, but I can’t find it.

Are the two options mentioned above the same? or what?

Best Regards,

Mr. Barakat
+971 50 1097059


Dieter Wambach
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Dear Barakat

You’re welcome!

Mr. Barakat
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Dear Dieter,

“Obviously the name of (Calculate costs from units) in previous versions was named (cost untis linked)"

Oh Yes! My dear, now you’ve got the point which I seek to solve that puzzle in my mind.

Actually, that’s what I expected, I just wanted to check out & make sure that it’s the same, there’s no field in P6.1 named (cost units linked), and only the other one exists.

Great thanks for your kind thinking effort to support me.

Best Regards,

Dieter Wambach
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It seems there is a mistake within the manual. Obviously the name of "Calculate costs from units in previous versions was named "cost untis linked". For my opinion it’s the same item.

The price for a resource my change during an assignment. How do you intend P6 to calculate?
Another important item in this context is "rate source":
"The rate source determines which price/unit will be used to calculate costs for the assignment when both a resource and role are assigned. To use a different price/unit then the one assigned to the resource or role, choose the Override option." (from P6 Hint Help)


Mr. Barakat
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Dear Mr. Dieter,

First, I’d like to thank you for concern and reply.

I got your point regarding the first option of "Calculate Costs from Units"; It means that, the budgeted resource cost = resource units * resource rate (Price/Unit) mathematically.
I use that option in the option during the planning phase of my execution plan in order to calculate the budgeted cost per scope to be compared later with the original budget, to help me recognize what I’ve to do, optimize my schedule to meet the assigned budget; otherwise, we’ve to proceed with re-estimate the budget to be revised no way.

Also, I got your point regarding the second project-default option of " Link Actual & Actual This Period Units/Cost".
I know that option will be helpful & powerful during the updating phase to provide us timeframed Units/Cost records along the project life-cycle.

I’m still amazing about the option of "Cost Units Linked" and wondering, which parameters would be affected by that option?.

Below, I just copied the following statement from the Primavera P6.1 manual, It’s mentioned only for once (Page 209 - Working With Activities Article.

You can see clearly that, It’s specified as column have to be shown in order to be switched ON or OFF for each resource assignment!.

>Recalculating Costs/Units for Assignments:
If you want to calculate costs from the units indicated or to recalculate units based on actual cost, include the Cost Units Linked column in Activity Details. If you mark the assignment’s checkbox for the Cost Units Linked column, the module notifies you that costs will be recalculated. If no progress has occurred for the activity, the Budgeted Cost/Units, Remaining Cost/Units, and At Completion Cost/Units are equal. When you apply an actual start to the activity, and record an actual quantity value or an actual cost value for the resource or role assignment, the Budgeted Cost/Units value is retained and the Remaining and At Complete Costs/Units are recalculated automatically<

Once again, Thanks for your time and concern.

Dieter Wambach
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Mr. Barakat

Sir, the following I copied from Primavera-Help:

"Calculate costs from units:
Identifies whether cost should be calculated based from units or not. If this field is not checked then cost will be user entered and not calculated from units." ("Hint Help")

Did you look for this one?
"Link Actual and Actual This Period Units and Cost:
Mark this checkbox for the Project Management module to recalculate actual or actual this period units and costs when one of these values is updated. The Project Management module marks this option by default. This option must be marked if you plan to store period performance or edit past period actuals for a project." (Help)

Maybe you looked for an entry under Edit --> User Preferences --> Calculations (There is a "Help" as well).

Good luck with the Help-Function!

Dieter Wambach