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Use of Reflections in P6.1

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Beck Lee
User offline. Last seen 15 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 28 May 2008
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I have implemented P6.1 with the use of reflections for the Project Managers to update their reflections, before the Project Controls group checks these updates for quality and resource overallocations before merging these into the Source program.

This has it’s limitations;
- can’t use duplicate resource/role allocations
- doens’t merge some WBS name/code changes
- doesn’t like deleted or re-numbered activity ID’s
- merges project code changes without giving you the choice to do so...

Can anyone suggest a better way to do this?.. We would still like to maintain control of checking quality of schedule data before submitting to the "master program" which reports to management.

I suppose keeping a "what-if" copy for the PM’s to work on, then just check and replace at the data date cycle - is the simple solution - but has it’s own administrative implications..

