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P6 is slow when used in Windows Vista environment

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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I have installed P6 to my laptop running Windows Vista Ultimate. It has 4GB RAM.

However I find the files takes unusually long time to open.
Say for example a project file with 2000 activites takes appx. 15 minutes to open.

Previously I aws running Windows XP and the same file opens in a span of less than one minute.

Please advise?


Juan Dela Cruz
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I am using P6 in Windows XP under Windows VISTA tru VIRTUALIZATION (Virtual Box, an open source virtualization software).. it works perfectly with allocated ram of 1 GB from 3 GB (Host OS) but I have 4 GB of RAM installed in my laptop.

P.S: 4 GB of RAM is not supported in 32 bit OS
David Kelly
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Vu Dang,

Glad someone enjoys Vista! None of my clients have moved, indeed most of them have told me they will wait for Windows 7. This is hardly the place for an operating system flame war, but I would have to put Linux as WAY ahead of Windows, and MAC is much better. Unfortunately you need Windows for Primavera.

Arend Kok
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Hi David.

I have found that if you have a project with a large number of activity codes that takes a long time to open, rebuilding the indexes on the TASKACTV table helps to open it alot quicker. Maybe you can to the same for your TASK table?

Hope that helps.

David Kelly
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I lasted four weeks with my new Vista laptop. I spent a long time trying to resolve the performance problems, not just in Primavera. Eventually I gave up, and put XP on it. Everything is fine now, except for the sound of laughter from my IT guys, who told me not to use Vista in the first place.....