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Difficulty in assigning Project calender ( not glaobal

8 replies [Last post]
punit khurana
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friend, I am beginner and learing on p5. actually i opted for projected option in place of global. i have coppied the calender from the global window and clander as selected is appearing in project calender window. Now how to assign it to the project I want? Thanks buddies,


bilal tirmizi
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okz group summaryy i will not show but one thing more i asked that is

that some activities are observing non work days of defaul calendar and some are observing according to activity calender.......what to do abnout them ... i want to show all activites working according to the activity calendar and observing non work days accordingly
Arnold Puy
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Hi Bilal,

The summary uses the default calendar. Your start & finish date are the same only the Original Duration is different. This has been discussed many times here in PP.

The solution is not show your group total.

bilal tirmizi
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heloo all,

i am having this problem that firt my default calendar was 6 days working with friday as holiday and it was my project calendar also but ...this thing was creating problem in summary total days,

so i changed my global calendar as 7 days working but the activity calendar was the same one 6 days working .....but now in my program some activities are following the global calendar and working even on holidays and some are obseving a holiday and some actvities are shown less then the days even planned(no constrains) ...... can anyone help me on this matter
Arnold Puy
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Hi Punit,

Mr. Alex is right however, the problem is your question. You have to be specific & clear. I don’t know if this is the answer to your question.

If you will go to Enterprise --> Project --> Defaults --> Calendar and change the calendar it will be only effective for all new activities to be added & inserted.

Now, you can change your calendar assigned for all the existing Activities using GLOBAL CHANGE. Use this parameter:

Calendar = "Select Calendar"

The "Select Calendar" above is the one available calendar you have.

If you wanted to change the calendar for the selected activities only then you need to filter prior to run Global change.


Olby Shaju
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Hi Punit,

What you’ve to do is first create the calendar and assign in the Project details view and then continue with activities. If you first type the activities and then assign the project calendar, it will not consider and instead it will consider only for new activities and not the old. For changing the Project calendar to the existing activities you need to insert the column calendar in the activities view and assign the calendar.

You can assign either Global or Project as the Project Calendar.

punit khurana
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Dear Alexandre / Arnol,
Thanks for the time you lent.
I exactly did the same stuff and calender has been assigned. But is it Global or Project one? Generally when we go to calender window, it askes for three options to choose from. Global, Resouce and project. I went for projects and selected on the calenders from the available calender ( i think global ones ). What I suppose that this is my project calender and any further change I want, I can simply import them from available global calender. But then how can I assign this to the project I want? Becoz, When I saw the activity status, I did not find the same caleder there.Can u help me this? Thanks buddy.
Arnold Puy
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Hi Punit,

Can you please explain in detail.

