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Calculating Man Hours in P6

6 replies [Last post]
Beth Spivey
User offline. Last seen 12 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 30
I resource loaded my activities using a 5D/10HR calendar to calculate my manhours by each craft/discipline. I have gone to User Preferences/Calculations and I have the button set to Recalculate the Units/Duration etc. button. I went to Enterprise and resources and have it defaulted to 10H/D. When I change my resources it does NOT recalc my manhours. And if I rollup my discipline/craft to summarize my duration and budgeted units the totals are not accurate if you add them up manually. I have my activity type set as Fixed Duration/Units.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance. Beth


Beth Spivey
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Thank you all for your responses.

It was the type of duration I had assigned. I changed to fixed units/time and it corrected all my activities.

Again thanks!

Dieter Wambach
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Hi Beth
Did you have a look into your user preferences?
Edit --> User Preferences --> Calculations
For better knowledge, then try "Help"

Duy Huynh
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Hi Beth,
Did you try this option: Tools>Recalculate Assignment Costs....

It will help your problem solved.

Beth Spivey
User offline. Last seen 12 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 30

Thanks for your response. My only concern is when we made major changes in resources I had to manually recalc and enter the manhours or completely remove and reassign which is very time consuming. And P3 would recalculate itself.

I am thinking P3 was much better.
Ken Barrett
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When you change your resource you might need to manually input the budgeted units / duration / budgeted units/time. When a resource is changed the units somtimes automatically revert to whatever you have as a default setting. Also if you go to the Assignments tab on the tool bar on the left hand side of the screen, it should have a list of all the resources you have in the schedule and their units (you may have to go to the column settings to add the columns that you need).
I hope this helps you out

Ken Barrett
Beth Spivey
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I meant in P5