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yes, ANOTHER, S-Curve question...

3 replies [Last post]
S Harding
User offline. Last seen 16 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 5
Greetings All,

I have read many posts already about S-Curves using the Late and Early dates. I can do this in P3 fairly easy, but for some reason I am having quite the trouble getting the desired results from P6. I have exhausted all the resources I know to do this and can not get the reults I want.. which is the early and late dates, in a weekly format, to get the traditional ’banana’ curve that a lot of you are accustomed to.

Thanks in advance...


David Kelly
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There are two ways to get Remaining Early and Remaining Late units from P6 into Excel.

The "supported" way is to use the report wizard - all reports created this way can be "saved" as .csv files which will be opened automatically by Excel.

The "unsupported" way is to use the "Resource Asignments" view. With a bit of care the aggregations produced here can be copy/pasted into Excel. This shouldn’t work. There is no "data source" for windows to copy - but it does.....
S Harding
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Posts: 5
That would be great. One more thing to clarify however; I am wanting to get the Early and Late dates for a curve in Excel. You can send me a PM if you like, or post here.

David Kelly
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Posts: 630

I think its easy...... Maybe I could email you a "print screen" and see if its what you want?