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p5 & p3 finish date different

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kier legard
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Hi to all,

Why is the finish date in p3 and p5 not same


in p3
start date 04 march08,dur =11,finish date=14march08

in p5

start date 04 march08,dur =11,finish date=15march08

Can someone explain this




Mohammed Abo El Magd
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Oh gentlemen, I am getting confused now.
I understood that the question is about how to keep the finish date after exporting,
Kier, I think the problem is while importing to P5, exporting to P3 will generate the same calendar. but let bring your attention that PRIMAVERA is conservative on going and coming back from and to p3. I think this will cause problems in future -for resources and cost-.
I think this is the case will be with you, Kier, as your client use P3, try to convince him with P5.
Dieter Wambach
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Hi Kier,
In the user prefs you can make P5 show the time or not. There was a misunderstanding
I’m afraid, there is no such function to set the time for constraints. By the way: Never change early start or finish, that will be recalculated during scheduling.
"Fill down" will help.
I’m not an expert for EXCEL but I suppose there is such a function. So you can use export --> changes in EXCEl --> import.
kier legard
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Thanks again Dieter,

I cannot find in edit preferences in p5 where to tell the program the time work should start globally.

I have done works in microsoft project where there is a option to change the start time of work globally


Dieter Wambach
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Hi Kier,
Check for early finish time in the morning, especially for milestones. For short project you can select planning unit "hours" in the export rules. The P3-calendar will be automatically created. Until now this always was ok.
You need to select "show time" in your user preferences.
kier legard
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Hi Dieter and Mohammed,

Is there any way to adjust this in p5 so that the date will be the same as in p3. Actually I created the schedule in p5 but our client wants it in P3 format so i have to export itin p3.How can i adjust it so that the date will match.


Mohammed Abo El Magd
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Hi Kier,
It is about calendar settings.Go to enterprise menu, Calendar , Global.If you find P3 calendar, set it as defult. If not, just import the project again and verfiy with in your options that you insert the imoprted calendar.
You will find this option with in the import wizarde.

Dieter Wambach
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To get the reason for this difference, change your Edit --> user prefs --> "dates" to "show time".
As P5/P6 internally calculates in hours, there might be start date March 4, 11am, which will lead to an end at March 15 10:59am. P3 by default calculates with days - so always start in the morning, end in the evening.