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P5 Budgeted Costs?

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Richard Asiimwe
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I am working on a cost & resource loaded contractor schedule. Every month, the Budgeted costs for activities keep changing? Why?

Does it have to do with the way activities are cost loaded. What is the best way to avoid these changing Budgeted Costs?

Thank you,

Richard Asiimwe


Niyaaz Alikhan
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Possibly your intension is to compare your current schedule with the original schedule (original schedule should be a snapshot of start and finish dates, durations, resource allocations etc. - should have been assigned as your baseline to compare future schedules against).

So if you have not aleady done so make your original schedule the primary baseline. Then when u change dates, percent completes, etc. and hit recalculate resourse assignments and then scheudle, the output should give the results that you need.
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Yes, current project change if you intentionally make some change. If you need it to be previous state, you have to do an action : extract the baseline and paste overwrite the current project.
Anoon Iimos
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i don’t think it will change if you had fixed your data (Baseline), i believe that it will only change during the update (current schedule), i.e. changing of the budgeted units; price per unit; and the accrual type
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Hi Anoon.
I mean that the reason of data be changed everytime we update is not due to baseline. Baseline is not the cause of the problem he faced.
Even when we create and assign baseline, that problem can still happen.

We just can dig deeper if Richard give more detail on the type of budget cost (labor, nonlabor ...)
Anoon Iimos
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well, i guess the Duration Type and the % Complete type you choose has something to do with it.


i don’t understand it, would you mind explaining further?
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Your schedule will not be changed as long as you know what field that you edit data.
Baseline is used when you need to compare an orginal project and the current project which you intentionally change.
It doesn’t mean that at the time you create baseline your schedule will not be changed. Whether your schedule change depend on you.
However after creating baseline you can revert your current project back to previous state if you do not like the changes.
Anoon Iimos
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Baselines are supposed to keep your data unchanged; if you’ve never done the Baselining, then expect that your Program will change every time you update it.
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Hi Richard.
The budget cost you mentioned is Labor, nonLabor, material or expense ? or budget total cost?
Richard Asiimwe
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I would like to keep the budgeted costs the same for every monthly update?
Anoon Iimos
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assign Baseline!