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How to administrate licences, create a database and so

5 replies [Last post]
Manuel Parra Pala...
User offline. Last seen 7 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Dec 2007
Posts: 24
HI u all.

Now I am in charge of administrating Primavera licenses and i dont know hot to do. My company has Primavera 4.1 and i cant find administration document

Can anybody help me?

Thank you in advance.


Dieter Wambach
User offline. Last seen 7 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1350
Hi Manuel
It is very difficult here to give general advice. When in the past I did trainings, this was a whole day:
- Installation process
- Structures: Codes, resources, roles, EPS, OBS
- User admin
- Security profiles
- Database: Data model (e.g. to understand reporting), link to a database, how is the data access (--> the database engine)
- License policy, link a licence file
- Technical requirements
- ... Too much to write in this forum.

The best for you would be such a training - done by the PAR.

Please give a certain point from where you get lost, an error message, or a situation where you expected a different behaviour of the software.
Good luck
Manuel Parra Pala...
User offline. Last seen 7 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 24

I am trying to install primavera in a computer, my one, to act like an administrator. So i have to create the database.

I have installed the soft but i am lost in the installation guide.

Maybe too old as to be so deeply in primavera..
Dieter Wambach
User offline. Last seen 7 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1350
You should really read those parts of the admin guide.
I assume that Primavera is already installed on your PC. Automatically a database will be created, the license file attached and the link created.
Where is your Primavera database? On a server? The license is attached to the database. There is no ned for you to care about it.
Do you want to create an additional database? Then you’ll insert the first Primavera CD. The autorun will start the wizzard. One option is somewhat like other tasks. There an option is to create an additional database. You’ll be asked for the license file.
Hope this will help. If not please explain alittle mor what you want to do.
Manuel Parra Pala...
User offline. Last seen 7 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 24
Thank you very much. The languaje is not a problem the real problem is how to build the database and the license management.
Dieter Wambach
User offline. Last seen 7 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 1350
Hola Manuel
Among your Primavera CDs there is one named documentation.
Inside you’ll find a directory "Documentation" therein construction...? Inside among others pdfs the user-guide, the admin-guide, and the data model in A0-format.
To admin the licenses:
Check how many you have: Help-->About...--> System will show the license-file. --> scroll down until "license" nu(X)will show the numner of named, cu(Y) the number of concurrent users.
User admin: Admin--> Users--> License -->Assign, unassign etc.
Don’t delete the user admin!.
As for the security profiles: Admin --> security profile--> good Help function or refer to the admin guide.
Ask your boss for a Primavera-Training.
Under Tools--> Select Language you should be able to change to Spanish.