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P5.0 Import keeps existing links Vs. replacing them

4 replies [Last post]
Raj Radhakrishnan
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I have an integrated Schedule with 9 WBS nodes. I am personally in charge of 7 of the WBS nodes, while 2 nodes are with the GC and a major equipment vendor. For those 2 WBS nodes, they turn in their weekly updates, and I import them. The schedule from the GC is causing a lot of problems since the GC is changing a whole slew of logic - some of them affecting the critical path. Now, when I import the schedule from the GC, the old links are not getting replaced with the new logic changes. The logic changes are also getting added on to the existing logic. This also creates some loops on my end. When I tried to select "Insert New" option in import, it is just inserting new logic ties, while still keeping the old ties in tact! Any help in this regards is very much appreciated. Thanks.



Raj Radhakrishnan
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Thanks a bunch Rodel. I will try that out. Thinking about it, it makes sense. Again, your valuable suggesstion is very much appreciated. Iwill send you a note later on.


Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Raj,

I know where you coming from, which I have been experience before. The work around is to import as a new project and export the relationship in excel and re-import it back to original schedule as long as the activity ID are not change. Please note that you need to export your original relationship and use delete flag to delete it first and replace by new relationship from the update relationship.

Hope this help,
Raj Radhakrishnan
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Hi Rodel,
The "Update Existing" option will not get rid of old links (if contractor had removed them), it will just add the new logic changes on to the existing logic. My problem is that the GC owns the Construction piece, and I have to tie my procurement activities to his Install activities, and also Commissioning & Validation activities downstream of his schedule. This means that whatever changes he had made from the last update to this one needs to be exactly duplicated. So I am in a fix. I have been just concentrating on my major float paths and impacts on them and correcting them manually by comparing the claim digger just on logic changes for each period. Bit furstrating since the client won’t allow the use of sub-project in P5. The clients wants the project to be a single folder and organized by WBS. It is cool, but updates are a nightmare especially if there are a lot of logic changes b/w each reporting month.

I appreciate your help mate. Thank you.

Rodel Marasigan
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Use Update Existing if wanted to update the current link and or Keep Existing or Do not Import if you don’t want to update the links. Insert New mean new link will be added to the current link.

Hope this help,