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Resource Loading in P5

7 replies [Last post]
Beth Spivey
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Posts: 30
In the course of building an EPC schedule in P5 I cannot get the resource to load and calculate the units properly. I have set the duration to "Fixed Duration & Time/Units". I enter my resource and then enter the budgeted units but it will not calculate the budgeted units/time. My theory or the way P3 worked is units X duration X calendar = manhours. I also want to reflect acutual man units in order to run histogram and manually level my schedule. Also, if you have (example) 5 carpenters, do you enter that resource 5 times or enter once and change the budgeted units to 5? I changed the Time Units per Hours under Admin Preferences to reflect 10/d 50/w 200/mo 2400/yr. HELP! What am I doing wrong?



Beth Spivey
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You are the best :-) I finally got it after my last post. For the sake of our sanity, Patty and I thank you so very much! Margarita time :-)
Oliver Melling
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Have you claimed any performance on the activities yet?

What report are you trying to produce exactly?
Beth Spivey
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That gave me budgeted units correctly but I am still getting weird numbers "At Completion" and for "Acutal".

My scenario:

I have an activity 4 days duration. I have assigned 5 pipefitters.

"At Completion Units"
4 of the pipefitters come out with
40 hrs (yeah!)
and one at 16 hrs.?????????

Then on "Acutal Units":
4 of them are at 24 and one is at 0.????????

I really appreciate your help so far and thanks! ;-)
Oliver Melling
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Forgot to mention.

If you are doing a historgram to level your schedule you need to review the budgeted man/hours not the actual.
Oliver Melling
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Check the following:

Duration type is fixed duration and units for activities.

Check that assigned Calendar is 10hrs/day and is assigned as the calendar for your activities AND resources.

Also go to enterprise\calendars and check that the tick-box for default calendar is set to the same as your activties.

Beth Spivey
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Thanks for your post. When I enter my resource it gives me budgeted units at 8. I went to user preferences and set my units of time to Hours. I went to administrative preferences and set 10hr/day. And in my resources I set it to 10/day default. It keeps changing my default in resources to different numbers. Sometimes 1/d or 100/d. I am not sure why it will not calculate accurately and I did change my type to Fixed Duration/Units. Any more advice?
Oliver Melling
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Try Fixed Duration and Units.

Fixed duraion and units/time will FIX the units/time.

As for resourcing your plan, it depends on how your going to create you resource histogram.
If you put one carpenter in and give him the equivilant of 5 persons budget, he will be 5 times overload in the P5 histogram.
Whereas putting in seperate carpenters will, as expected, show no overload.

I personally add resources and assign them with dicipline names such as Project engineer, Mech Engineer and so on.
This shows an overload of resource in P5’s histograms, but this does not matter as I run a report into Excel and produce my histogram there.

