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Smallest total float

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User offline. Last seen 8 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 12
Hi All,
I have a question about P3E-Ver.5 In schedule option there is an option "compute total float as :smallest of start float and finish float" As I know in P3,start float and finish float could be different based on "contiguous" and "interruptible" check mark in schedule option window,but in p3e-ver.05 I don’t know in which circumstance finish float and start float can be different.would you please help me if sombody know the answer.



Khuong Do
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Hi Kian!

I’m sorry. You are right. It seems that in this new version 5.0 Start float and finish float are the same in Interruptible activity and constraint activity.
I’ll check with some of my college and feedback you in case I find the answer.

User offline. Last seen 8 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear Khuong

Thanks for your consideration,by the way as I checked difference total float for activity that has suspend and resume dates and also for activity which has constraint,I couldn’t find any difference(as you know P3e calculates based on remaining early dates)would you please clarify the issue.

Niek Zonneveld
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It’s actually very simple: If one single activity has both SS and FS relationships, the start float and finish float can be different.

Khuong Do
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Hi Kian

Start and Finish float are usually the same, however they can be different in the following situations.

1. When using Suspend & Resume
2. When using constraints
3. Hammock/Level of Effort activities
4. WBS activities
5. Summary calculations that get their dates from detailed activity information

The easily seen situation is Level of effort activities. The first activity and last activity of LOE activity usually have different float. So the schedule option can bring into play now.

Dieter Wambach
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This is a topic more for the purists. For a normal activity until today I wasn’t able to realize real difference. For WBS-Summary there are, but I don’t know why. I didn’t analyze float on WBS-summary activities, since it was not important for me. Others may know an answer.



By the way, this is the area for old P3.