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Saving settings for grouping & sorting

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Mangesh Khuspe
User offline. Last seen 50 weeks 7 hours ago. Offline
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Posts: 162

1) I have problem with grouping and sorting in p5. in p3 if we sorted activities using some criterias they used to be default settting for that project i.e. there was no need to specify settings evev if u closed or worked on some other projects. but in p5 whenever i close the project, the grouping and sorting settings are gone. i have to again specify settings for that project. is there some way that this settings become default for that project.

2) In p3 if we assingned different codes for different activities and sorted them it would not state there is no level or no responsibility codes assingned to this activity. i.e. the band would be there but on that band it would not state that No Level or such things. can anyone guide how to take those things off the bands.




Mangesh Khuspe
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to all of you


Rodel Marasigan
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1) Sort and Grouping layout in P5 or P3e can be done on each project you have in P5/P3e.
Select View-> Layout-> Save as then name the layout against your project plus your layout format so you can remember for future used.

Note: In P3e/P5 layout are save globally and the default layout is the active layout when you exit the application. It means that if the project that you are going to open doesn’t meet the criteria of your layout, the result will be not the way it should be. I recommend to include your project name on the save layout to recognise and easy to open your layout against each project that you are working on.

2) To hide the band when empty on your Sort and Grouping select View-> Sort and Group under project menu or click the Sort and Group icon then tick “Hide if Empty”. That should remove all the empty summary band on your layout.

Patricia Le Clainche
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Hello Mangesh,

For question 1)
You should keep the Group and Sort that you choose, till you keep this layout. If you change of layout, do not forget to save a copy of your customized layout before changing ; in that case, you will keep your customization.(You will have to take this new private layout in the future.
