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Importing Resource and Budget Quantity from excel

7 replies [Last post]
Jerry Lan
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 37
Dear all, I am a P3 users shifting to P3e. Does anyone know how to import from excel Budget quantity ,resource id and resource name? It seems its not as straight forward as it was with P3 importing from excel.. Cheers! Jerry


Jerry Lan
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 37
Hi Rodel!

Its really great when things work and i have you to thank. When you are thirsty and you find water. Its like that :). This P3e is/can be a monster. Thanks again.....

Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Jerry,

Try to change the Units format from hours to day and your budget units will change.
Select Edit-> Users Preference on your menu.
Click the Time Units tab and change Units Format from hour to day.

Note: Resource Assignment and TASKRSRC are the same. I used resource assignment so you can understand the content. TASKRSRC is the table of resource assignment on PMDB database.

Jerry Lan
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Thanks Rodel! The resource and budget quantity was imported directly from P3! I do not know what was wrong the previous time. I followed your instructions and it worked. However the imported Budget quantity is about 8 times the budget quantity in P3 (100% becomes 800%) . I suspect that it is because of the different planning unit. Anyone knows of a way to get around this problem?

My resorted way of solving this problem was to use Rodel’s excel import instruction (Thanks Rodel, for this instruction too!). It worked ,though with some import error, but it imported mostly. The second tab worksheet is “TASKRSRC” and not “Resource Assignment" as you said in step 10.

Best Regards,
Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Jerry,

If you import P3 to P3e all resources will be imported same as activity code, relationship, resource assignment etc… except if some of your P3 file library are missing or not setup in P3.

Try this and it may help. Open your explorer and go to the folder where you save P3 files project that you’re trying to import. Check if you have at least 23 files starting with your project code i.e. XXXACT.P3 and one filename USERS50.P3. Check if all file size if no 0 value especially XXXITM.P3, XXXXRES.P3 and XXXRLB.P3. All of these relate to your P3 resources. If everything is Okay then open your P3 and check if there is no abnormality like layout, timescale and resource assignment etc... Try to check your resource library if all resources are listed. If all okay then close P3 and open your P3e program. Create a new Enterprise and import your P3 files. You should have all the resources and resource assignment on your new imported files.

If still having problem importing resources then try this method.
1) Export your newly import files into excel using File-> Export under File menu of P3e.
2) Select Spreadsheet - (.xls) and click Next
3) Tick Resource and Resource Assignment then click Next
4) Click the file you want to export and click Next
5) Click Add and Rename your new template to Update Resources so you can use it again in the future.
6) Click combo box Subject area and select Resource assignment
7) Click Unit on the left and double click Budgeted Units and it will be added on the right.
8) Double click Start and Finish to remove and click Okay
9) Click Next and change the directory desire folder and filename to “UpdateResouce.xls” and click Next then Finish
10) Open your exported Excel file and you should have 3 tabs of spreadsheets. (Resource, Resource Assignment and USERDATA)
11) Update your Resource tab base on your P3 data and Resource Assignment.
12) After updating save and open P3e and import excel updated spreadsheet one by one.
13) Select the Resource first to import and when finished import again and select Resource assignment.

Please let me know the status so I can help you further.

Karim Mounir
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Hi Jerry,
P3 e/c can handle files with extension of .xls (no need to save as .csv)

Jerry Lan
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Brad!

Thanks for the help.When I try to import into P3e, P3e says invalid file name! (it does not support import from CSV format). At the root, I imported from P3 to P3e. All was imported except the resource and the budgetted quantity. That is why I am resorting to import from excel. Any help how to get the resources into P3e will be awesome,mate!

Brad Lord
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Hi Jerry

Open your programme, do File,Export and choose Excel format. The format is similar to p3 when you export into a CSV file, you can choose what to export it is quite easy to follow

