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Resource importing and exporting from P6 to Spreadsheet

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vivek t
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Is there any way I can export the assigned resources to activities from Primavera Programme to excel and then import the same resources on a modified programme with similar set of activities and quantities rather then assigning each resource individually to all the activities again. Please help.


Raymund de Laza
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Project A:

Activity X = Description Abc

Activty Y = Description 123

Activity Z = Description xyz


Project B:

Activty 1 =Description Abc = Activity X

Activty 2= Description 123 = Activty Y

Activity 3= Description xyz = Activity Z


Do the workaround in excel to create it.

vivek t
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Thank you all. Thats helpful. Could you guys help me with some more things. The Activity IDs in the old program does not match with the Activity IDs in the updated programme. Rather then changing each activity ID, do I have any option of doing all the activity ID changes in one step?

vivek t
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Thank you all. Thats helpful. Could you guys help me with some more things. The Activity IDs in the old program does not match with the Activity IDs in the updated programme. Rather than changing each activity ID, do I have any option of doing all the activity ID changes in one step?

Raymund de Laza
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Project A:

Activity X = Resource abc

Activty Y = Resource 123

Activity Z = Resource xyz


Project B: Modified

Activty X =Resource abc

Activty Y= Resource 123

Activity Z= Resource xyz

Do the workaround in excel to create it.

Kannan CP
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1.Make a copy of the existing programme in the same system and do the required modifications in activites and WBS.

2. If you want to have separate resource identification for the new project, follow the below mentioned steps (i hope it will work)

a. Export the existing file and import it(during import, put "insert new" for the resources in the modification area)

b. It will create a new set of resources similar to the existing project, and add some project ids for each resource.




Zoltan Palffy
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yes you can do this 

1. first you have ot make sure that the same activity numebrs exist in P6 in the schedule that you want to import into.

2. you will need to change the WBS name from the exported file to match the name of WBS for the new wbs to import into.

3. The same resource must exist in the resource dictionary. If it is on the same machine then not an issue.