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Where is Graphic Reports ?

9 replies [Last post]
David Moses
User offline. Last seen 11 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi There;

I was just playing with the Primavera 5.0.

In P3 3.1 under tools menu there is Graphic Reports button.

But I could not find similar button in Primavera 5.0.

Any idea?



David Moses
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Hi There,

There is no offence, I believe. If it is understood so likely then I could do nothing.

As a customer of this software (with 10 years of experience with such softwares), at least I have a right to raise my expectations I believe.

Anyway, thank you for your comments.


Rama Krishnan
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The Current P3e lacks specific "Graphics Reports" like good old P3. I too miss these pe-customised Reports tha can be pre-set before hand and print as & when required.

Partially this is possible thru use of "Views"
However I personally feel "Views can easily & accidently be reformated unwittingly. I still prefer a secure "Reports" section purely for Graphics reports.

But there are positives in this versions

The good thing is the Period Tables are directly exportable to Excel & you can draw graphs to suit one’s taste.

Nevertheless there are still short comings in P3e.

Hope these will be addressed in next issue Ver 6.0


Rodel Marasigan
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Hi David,

No offence please; I think you missed the point. The Tracking module of PM5 which you can find an icon on the left side of directory bar or by selecting Enterprise-> Tracking is the enhance combine feature of Tabular & Graphic report in P3.1. It’s more advance and everything that P3.1 can produce is also available in PM5. It’s up to you to explore your knowledge of how to do it. Select the built-in layout and play around it. The window is split into four parts which are Project windows, Resources window, Top and Bottom windows that can display graphics or spreadsheet/ tabular where you can hide any of those windows and show only you required. You can filter, organized and modify the way you want it. It is like “WYSWYG “what you see what you get as an output. You can produce bar, s-curve individual or cumulative and stacked histogram in tabular and or graphic layout. If you are seeking for network diagram, select the activity bar icon on the directory toolbar and select activity network icon on the top. Keep exploring and you will learn a lot. Good luck!

Arthur Godbeer
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It’s nothing to do with "discarding" anything. The reason that there is no such menu item is simply because P5 is a newer (and substantially different) development. Spend more time with the Project Management program, and you’ll find that there are far more "graphical" options within the program than in P3. Along with lots of other things.
David Moses
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Hi There,

Thank you for your kind replies.

It seems that "Graphic Reports" button is discarded on the Primavera 5.0.

As I understood from the previous posts, there are some alternatives to prepare such reports,

1- csv file and excel
2- layouts
3- tracking
4- buying another addon package

But I was expecting more for this subject from the Primavera 5.0. Since the Primavera 5.0 is the latest version among the Primavera solutions.

Arthur Godbeer
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David, the P3 "graphic reports" originally came from the DOS version of P3, and they supplemented the new "layouts" graphics that were introduced for the furst time in the Windows version.

But with the Project Management program of P5 you’re in a whole new World. Lots of "layouts" (including the tracking layouts already mentioned), either those supplied with the sample data, or others amended or created by yourself. Those layouts have far more possible permutations than P3’s layouts, and this is where all the "graphic" reports within the tool are created. Of course the "tabuluar" reports are also graphics, and so they can be saved as one of four differnt graphic formats, in the same way as the layouts.

Karim Mounir
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U can use the "Tracking" feature to generate some graphical reports, U can access this feature from the directory bar on the left.


Alex Wong
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Yes there is no graphic report directly generate from "Report" section in P5.


Your can create a csv file type that display all the time distributed information and open it in Excel. This is rather require an advance user skill to do such report.


you can pay a few more dollars to buy one of the addon packages with P5 which can produce some good graphic reports.

Good Luck
