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P3e v5 compatibility with SQL Server 2005

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Michael Hunter
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Has anyone out there installed Primavera Enterprise v5 on a server running SQL Server 2005?

I know its not on the "tested" list from Primavera but I can’t wait until v6 is released. It would be neat if I could install P3e v5 on the existing IT infrastructure rather than erect a separate box with SQL Server 2000 [if the the IT folk would let me ;-) ].



mimoune djouallah
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hi ruben

fine, ok it is developper edition, don’t ask me which sp, cause i don’t know, a friend who install it, we did not get enough time to test it, if it works with p5 in a client server fashion, because he know that he will be fired, fuc....; job cut.

ruben quintal
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hi mimoune,

SQL2000 database server (enterprise edition) cannot be installed in windows xp sp2. the server must be installed in windows 2000 or windows 2003. what sql2000 edition did you used?

mimoune djouallah
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all you need is windows xp sp2, with administrator right if you don’t have a lot of projects, MSDE can very well handle the job.

just an advise if you have a problem installing primavera just post your questions in primavera installation help.

ruben quintal
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i cant install it, i tried many times. wat version of xp are you using? i tnk i need to consult the it guy for this.
tnx anyway.

mimoune djouallah
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Who told you that, SQL 2000 of course is supported on windows xp, actually the default database bundled with primavera 5 (used in stand alone installation mode) is a light version of SQL server 2k

ruben quintal
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tnx michel,
the problem is that our system is using windows xp which does not support SQL 2k, so i need to install the database without using SQL 2k.

Hope someone can help me.

Michel Molenaar
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I like this tread .. you are on the right path. However, it should be pointed out that Primavera Systems, Inc. does not support Primavera 5.0 on SQL Server 2005. So this whole discussion should not even take place .. :) ..

However, since it’s already on the way .. :) ... by all means go on ...

Another (perhaps easier) solution would be install SQL 2k next to SQL 2005. It is possible and officially supported by Microsoft.


Michel Molenaar

ruben quintal
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Vu Dang,

I have followed your instruction step by step and my Methodology Management Module is now working properly with SQL 2005 but the PM just starts loading and after a while, a note pop out which says "an unhandled exception occur in PM. exe (3204)".
Can you pls give me some advice.

Chris Bartley
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Thanks Vu Dang.

That gets me a lot further than I was.

Now, I can set up the database connection for PM successfully.

Then I start PM, logging in using user admin / pwd admin. Yay! It starts loading the database (with the usual progress bar). But then, after the progress bar reaches 100%, I get the windows XP error ’Primavera Project Manager has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.’ etc

This seems to be a dead end. The database connection is working, the login to PM is working, the data starts loading, and then BLAM it’s all over rover. I wonder what the difference with your system is, since you have sql express 2005 working??


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Hi Chris,

In replies to your Priv Msg.
Here is a more details steps.

from your email, it seems that you are 90% there.

here is the final steps.

1. log into your sql 2005 express management console.
2. recreate the two user again. privuser and pubuser. the password is same as login ok! (i think you have already created this)
3. now click the "NEW QUERY" button. and paste this line in.

use The_Name_Of_Your_Database_Matey
EXEC sp_change_users_login ’Update_One’, ’PUBUSER’,’PUBUSER’
EXEC sp_change_users_login ’Update_One’, ’PRIVUSER’,’PRIVUSER’

5. now try and login to your Project management.

Kind regards,

Vu Dang

Vu Dang,

I read with interest your post on using sql express 2005 with primavera. I have one question: what are the default passwords for pubuser & privuser? I think I need to have added these to the sql server before attaching the PMDB database.

Kind regards,

Chris Bartley
Chris Bartley
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sorry, step 2 should read that i uninstalled sql server 2000 (not 2005)
Chris Bartley
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Vu Dang,

I am trying to get P5 working with SQL 2005. The steps I followed were:
1. I detached the data file (pmdb_dat.mdf/ldf) from the previous SQL Server 2000.
2. I uninstalled SQL server 2005.
3. I installed SQL server 2005 (express)
4. I created the users privuser and pubuser (passwords privuser / pubuser respectively)
5. I copied pmdb_dat.mdf/ldf into the MSSQL\Data folder for the new installation, and attached it in SQL 2005 via the management studio.

So far, so good. It appears in SQL 2005 and is accessible.

BUT, even I cannot assign privuser\pubuser logins to the PMDB database (using User Mapping). It says that the ’user, group or role ’privuser’ already exists in the current database’.

Any ideas how to hook up these logins??


Michael Hunter
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Vu Dang

Thank you for your response; today I am happy!

I will try your steps on Monday and see if that works.

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Hi Michael,

Yes, you can run it on sql server 2005

- install it as standalone first!
- use your 2005 sql admin console and connect to the standalone database (you know the localhost\primavera)
- then restore it back into your sql 2005.

remember to create privuser and pubuser first in your sql 2005 (you got to do this manually).

Vu Dang