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Schedule % in P3e (Profiled) - Not tallying

4 replies [Last post]
Rama Krishnan
User offline. Last seen 7 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 14
I have assigned a resource for rollup purposes - called "Points". No other resource assigned.Cost=$1/hr
I use physical %.,for progress updates.
I have assigned a profile for points same in Baseline & Current Files.
I need to report Plan % vs Actual % by WBS.

For Actual I use Performance %
Activity & Band Summaries by WBS are excellent.
For Plan I use Schedule %.
At WBS level Plan is correct (Takes from Profile)
But at Activity Level the Plan is WRONG. It just uses the Duration based Plan %.
What I need is Plan % from Profile both at the activity Level & WBS Level
Anyone can hep or face same problem? Solution appreciated.


Rama Krishnan
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Posts: 14
I took time off to study this Issue.
I reviewed Primavera knowledgebase & found that they have an internal field called "Schedule Curve % Complete"
But I do not see this field in my field selection list , say when I use the Columns selection in the activities window.

Is there a way to get this displayed in my column for each activity?

For ref. see Solution ID 20021220165416 Part 2)How is "Planned Value" calculated for activities with resource curves.

BCWS="Scheduled Curve % Compl"*BAC
Alex Wong
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In that case please check your Plan Start Date and Plan finish date at the activity level

If you dont mind, please send me the xer file and I can verify the project

Rama Krishnan
User offline. Last seen 7 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 14
Thanks Alex.
I defined my resource as non-labour.
I do update the following.
Actual % manual update ( % Progress.-Physical), RDU
Also I run a global change to calculate & update Actual resource qty & remaining qty based on % ( I have delinked automatic % vs. RDU).

I am not sure what you mean by link actual to Project level?

Thie Issue is getting the Plan % correct.

"Schedule %" field displays correct value at WBS Band. But at Activity level it is still based on duration ie.
Plan % = (Status date-BL Start)/(BL Finish - BL Start)
Actually what I need is BL Resource Qty / BQ as a percent (Pick from curve)

I could not search % rollup as some admin error in the forum


Alex Wong
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My question is
Is your resource is Labor or Material or non material?
When you progress your activity do you enter any actual value?
Did you link your actual with progress in the project level?

If you do a search on one of the topic call % rollup I had explain how P3e calculate physical progress and what are the rule of thrumb.

