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Updating Budgeted Units with Physical % Complete

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Kelly Randolph
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I am trying to update an engineering schedule which is basically just a drawing list. I am using Primavera 5.0 and would like to know if I can update budgeted units by updating the physical percent complete for the activity.

My purpose for wanting to do this is to make a simple planned curve vs. actual curve and calulate an overall percent complete for engineering.

Or is there some other way to do this. From what I understand P3 is able to easily do this.



Kelly Randolph
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I agree with you that steps do not have good visability at the activity level. However, you can create a report in the report section of Primavera that shows steps for every task.

Alex Wong
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You can use steps, but the disadvantage of using steps are you cannot filter these data out in the activity level.

I suggest you use something like the example I send you with a physical progress (% type) and that should do the trick. Let me know if you have futher problem


Alex Wong
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Agree, if you hv 40,000 drawing to be produce. How can you estimate the overall % complete. As a contractor, you do want to have some of the momey paid prior to 100% complete. And as a Engineer (Client) you do want to know the physical completion, until its too late to know it will be substaintially delay is happened.

Therefore, some sort of methodology need to be form to measure the physical progress. 0/100 or 50/100 or the one that I suggested, or some logical measurement method need to be agreed between the parties. Do you agree! however, these method need to be case by case bases. and client usually not clearly stated in contract of exactly how to measure the progress.

What Kelly is ask for is how to do it in a P3e schedule to plan this, if you read it carefully.


Peter Holroyd
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Don’t any of you have an agreed Progress Measurement System for each Engineering Doc/Drg inbuilt into your Company/Project Procedures clearly indicating progress % against intermediate milestones?
If not, how can you do plan v actual, EV, productivity, project, benchmarks, unit norm comparisons?

Kelly Randolph
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Thanks Alex

In Primavera 5.0 what settings do you use? Steps? physical/duration % complete, etc.

Alex Wong
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My normal approach for Engineering Drawing is ...

You will not earn any progress until the drawing is submitted to the client.
Then if the drawing is rejected then no progress
When the Drawing is approved with comments then additional progress
Finally if the drawing is fully approved then 100%

See Below

Submitted = 75%
Approved with comments (resubmission require) = 85%
Approved with comments (No resubmission require) = 100%

That way you can project your progress more accuraly then using man hrs (because 90% of the time they are over progress)

Once you agree with these % complete template with the engineer. then you need a template plan as well ie
date of initial submission, when the engineer reply coming back and the time to do a resubmission.

*Submission*0000000*EngReply*0000*Resubmission*0000*Final Approval*

I have use this to manage a project with 50,000 drawings.

Very effective

I can send you a template P3e xer file if you want to see how P3e can work leave me a PM with your e-mail address
Daniel Sepúlveda
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Try with STEPS, for use it, must have activate the box "Activity percent complete based on activity steps" on tab "Calculations" on windows "Project", and the % Complete Type the activities must have "Physical", with it you may work with achieve (logros, metas) and you may put "Weight" a the Steps, for example:

Step 1: Format Preparations .... 10%
Step 2: Draw the "Idea" .... 40%
Step 3: Technical feasibility or viability the Idea ...15%
Step 4: Closing of the plane ... 20%
Step 5: Rev. A ... 5%
Step 6: Rev. B ... 5%
Step 7: Rev. C ... 5%

TOTAL ACTIVITY: 100% , You may to synthesize more the steps.

The hours of draw is variable, but you have put the hours approximate. The control by steps can be more easy, remembers that the people know its advance.

Kind Regards

PD. Sorry for my English, it not my native language.
PD. Thank Google for translator.
David Kelly
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Remaining duration and percent complete are only linked if you use "duration" percent complete with the Project level calculations tab settings previously discussed.

They are never linked if you use "units" percent complete with the same Project level settings and the Fixed duration and units duration type.

Kelly Randolph
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The more I look into this the more questions I have. To follow the drawing example I have mentioned if the duration is 30 days and budgeted units 35 hours. How can I keep the duration/finish date at 30 days as I up the duration percent complete. For example if I put 90 percent on day 1 that does not necessarliy mean the activity is going to finish any sooner. If I adjust the at completion days back to 30 days then the 90 % complete goes down.

In my mind 90% complete is a standing number regardless of RD or at completion days. If a week later the designer starts working on the drawing again he should be starting work on a drawing that is 90% complete with some portion of the original 30 days left. I do notice that the planned finish date does not change.

Bottom line if percentage goes up then RD goes down and activity finishes sooner. I would like to hold the original finish date while I am adjuting the percent complete.

Kelly Randolph
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You are correct, all I am going to get out the designers is estimated percent complete and maybe an estmated finish date.

If I understand you correctly I should keep the original settings you gave me and do the global change after I inputed % complte. I will try it out and let you know how it goes tommorrow.

China! One of the most difficult places I have ever worked. The Chinese do not understand project management princples very well which makes my job difficult.

David Kelly
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Assuming that you can actually persuade a designer to give you information like "I am half way through the manhours, but the rest will take me another month" rather than "done half of it" you can record remaining hours and remaining duration separately.

You need to set the percent complete type to "units".

Be VERY careful here. Units percent complete is NOT how much of the budgeted units you have liquidated, but how much of the At Completion units we have achieved. In an environment where you are not recording actuals, P5 will assume that productivity = 1 (i.e. each achieved hour is an expended hour) that means the At completion will always equal the budget, so as long as you are not recording the true actual manhours this will do.

Note that changing an activity’s unit percent complete does NOTHING to the remaining duration. My advice is that after inputing the unit per cent complete, you run a global change to set RD= OD*Activity per cent complete/100, and then manually adjust the remaining durations of those activities where you have the extra information

Of course you can ask a related question. I have question for you. How’s China? :)
Kelly Randolph
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Thanks David,

I think most if not all of your settings you suggested are deafault settings. After I verified the settings I checked it out to see how it works. What I have noticed is that the budgeted units spread evenly over the original duration which is what I want. In my particular case I gave every drawing a duration of 30 days with 35 hours of budgeted units that spread evenly over the 30 days.

The 30 days duration is just an estimate of when the drawing will complete. When the designer starts the drawing he may knock it out in 4 days or he may nibble on it for 30 days.

So when I start a drawing activity and enter 50% complete for example, the at completeion days go down which makes the activity finish sooner. Also, my actual budgeted units goes to 50% as well. But what if it is still going to take the desingner 29 days to finish the remaining 50% work? How do I show that? Or do I just keep udating the finish date or percent complete every week until the drawing is done?

David, if you do not mind I would like to ask you a related question once I get this issue worked out.

David Kelly
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You need to set the following at the project level;

in the calculations tab, set “Recalculate actual units and cost when duration % complete changes” on.


“When updating actual units or cost, subtract actual from at completion”

in the defaults tab set;

duration type : Fixed duration and units

Percent complete type : duration (all existing activities should be changed to this)

Activity Type : task dependant.

The two percentage fields for reporting you want are ;

Duration % complete - how much work has been done
Schedule percent complete - how much work you SHOULD have done (note you MUST create a baseline for this field to work)

Yes, you will have to create a resource if you want "s" curves. BUT the percent completes will work without them.
Kelly Randolph
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Actually I am getting ready to go home from work. Currently in China. What I plan to do or want to do is take the schedule/drawing list to the engineers and have them update the start date, percent complete and finish date.

They are telling me it takes about 35-40 hours per drawing. I plan on entering that amount as budgeted units or man hours., start the activity and update it with physical percent complete. These guys do not keep up with how many hours they have spent on a drawing. All they know is an approximation of percent complete not to mention they are working on several at one time.

I need to show progress over time which is planned percent vs.actual percent.

If there is a better way please let me know. Also, we are not really set up for resource but if I need to create a dummy resource, I can do that.

Karim Mounir
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If u make percent complete type to be "Physical Percent Complete", and if u assigned your resources on the activity based on that, then when u update the actual % complete the actual units doesn’t change.

The actual units changes only if u select the percent complete type to be "Units or Duration" percent complete.
David Kelly
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You are up early in the morning! (its says 4am!)

As the self appointed P5 percent complete expert I guess I should answer this.

Of course P5 can do this BUT, you must have the project configured properly.

You need to chose at the project level the correct settings in the calculation tab, and the defaults tab.

There are about 120 different ways P5 can do these calculations, perhaps we can narrow down your range of choices.

1) Actual hours. I presume from your email you are able to record the actual hours booked against each resource allocated to an activity.

2) Activity type. This choice can be confusing. but answer me this, if you went to an engineer and asked "how big" a job was, which would they chose:

1) Its a two day job
2) Its a 50 manhour job
3) its a job for 3 people.

3) percent complete type. You have picked "physical" - do you have a reason for this, or can I talk you out of it?

We should get to the ideal settings after a few emails, OR you could wait till next week for the re-run of my Primavera sponsered Webinar "Primavera 5 and percent complete" it will almost certainly be late afternoon GMT, about 11am EST