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P5-Top Down Estimation!

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Suraj Bhatt
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I have a basic schedule with 4 levels of WBS.The activities in the 4th level are repetitive i.e. they repeat in each 4th level.
I wish to put the total resource for the 3rd level and use top down estimation to distribute it as per the activity duration.
E.g. If total resource for the 3rd level is 1500
I want TDE to distribute this 1500 into the lower WBS activity based on the activity durations.
Is this possible???
Thanks in advance


David Kelly
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Yes. You will need to set the estimation factor to the original duration. This is possible using global change, however it would be simpler if the global change that does this selects only activities at level 4 of the WBS - that way the TDE run can include the whole project, as activites not at level 4 will have an estimation factor of 0.

There is no way I know of automatically selecting "level 4" activities, perhaps an activity code could do this?