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Budget Units Column

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Zafar Manzoor
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Hi everyone,

I have another problem. I remember in P3 3.1 we used to organze/group activities by resources and add one column for budgeted units to modify the resource units for each activity in the main layout.

I am not able to do this in P5. In the activity detail window, resources tab there is one column named "budgeted units". Can I bring this column to the main layout after grouping activities with respect to resources?

Any help is greatly appreciated.




David Kelly
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You cannot do this in any Activity layout in P5, BUT you can do it in the resource asignment view. This is the equivalent of "Format Organise" by resource in P3 3,1.
Zafar Manzoor
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Thanks Julie and David. I was able to get the required column in Resource Assignments window. Its a bit weird, the way this software works, but nontheless things are working out one way or the other, so I am a happy customer again, atleast for the time being.


Julie Scully
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You need to add the column ‘budgeted labour units’ to your layout. There are 3 types of resources in P5 - labour, non-labour and materials. And unfortunately you need to use UDFs to get the ’total budgeted units’ in a column.
