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Rainy Season

6 replies [Last post]
Marcio Sampaio
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I have to develop task based schedule for a
Hydroelectric project. Now the problem is there are some activities
which can’t be executed during rainy season (normal period 3 months),
some activities must start after rainy season is over and some
activities can continue even during rainy season. How to accomodate all
these type of activities in my schedule?
Thanks and Regards.


User offline. Last seen 18 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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Here’s a thought. Create two numeric custom data items. First is StdDur (Standard Duration), other is RainDur (Rainy Season Duration). Use Global Change to load all the current OrigDur values into StdDur (so you don’t lose them). Then use Global Change again to load StdDur*1.3 into RainDur. Now - backup the project so you don’t mess it up. Use Global Change to say IF ES is within the rainy season - then OrigDur=RainDur else OrigDur=StdDur. You can make more complex if the IF part to also check EF, etc (dependent upon your comfort with Global Change). You can constantly re-run the Global Change on variations updates to your schedule. You’ll want to make sure you have properly baselined your target so you don’t lose what your original plan was. Can also do something similar to adjust manhours or manpower (whichever you use for manpower reports) - have to make a similar set of custom data-items. Hope that helps, T
Sergey Kiselev
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a) Activities which must be executed only during summer time - Calendar with non-working period during winter.

b) Activities must start at summer and continues during winter - Add predecessor milestone and give to it Calendar from point A.

c) Activities with reduced production during winter period - Calendar with % decrease in working period. For example 30% decrease means that you have only 5,6 hours a day.
Nigel Winkley
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Not sure that you can use a "productivity factor" against either resources or activities. My initial suggestion would be to play around with the limits setting it to 30% and extending the durations to suit.

Someone else out there in cyberworld may know of a better solution. Previously, in a similar situation, I have just extended the durations accordingly. This was done manually and as things slipped had to be re-done as the activities ’moved’ into normal working. Have you tried using a resource calendar?

Paula Walsh
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I am doing something similar to this, but instead of a rainy season we have winter work where the productivity lowers by 30%. Is there a way to show productivity on Primavera Version 5, or must I do the same thing, create a calendar with shorter days in the winter months (I would prefer not to do this).


Marcio Sampaio
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Thats it!! So eazy!!

Thanks and Reagards.
Nigel Winkley
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Set up a rainy season calendar - using a holiday for the rainy season. All activities can then be scheduled with that calendar - including week-end/public holidays etc - and with the logic links, successors will follow.

Hope this helps.
