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Extracting data from baseline in current programme

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Bijaya Bajracharya
User offline. Last seen 8 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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I am reposting my yesterday’s problem with revised subject title.

Usually, a version of programme is saved after every monthly update. To get the incremental data for the current month, one can use last month’s update as baseline. It is then possible to use the user_defined numbers to calculate the incremental value. Eg, Incremental (this month’s) earned value cost = Current earned value cost - BL earned value cost.

It is simple logic but P3ec does not seem to provide all BL variables for such operations in global change. Some more BL data are available for display in column but still not all of them.

Does anybody has idea how to get all the data items of the BL for comparison to the current (without using excel)?


David Kelly
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You don’t. It is amazing that despite saving the entire project with all of its fields in the baseline - after all if you "restore" the baseline you get the whole project back - you cannot access all the fields in the baseline. Primavera must have had a long, complicated meeting to decide what fields people might want, what was wrong with "all of them"?

Given that you now have unlimited user defined fields, the only approach is that after every progress update, you could create a new user defined field to hold "this weeks" data. I know this is the way we did it with Artemis 20 years ago. Sigh.

HOWEVER in version 5 we have full "Earned value history" - this will remove a lot of these difficulties. You need to investigate this feature of version 5 fully.