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P3 Actual/Forecast Cost

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Ahmed KHR
User offline. Last seen 6 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Nov 2010
Posts: 65

Dear planners;

I need to make the forecast cost histogramme for the schedule, but I am not sure how?

So, I have to make the update on the % progress cost (Actual Cost/Budgeted Cost Quantities) and P3 generate automaticaly the forecast Costs?

OR I have to update the actual Costs and P3 calculate the forcast progress.


Is there any possibilities to keep the progress on 0% (Project start day), and make this job?


Your help will be appreciated.



vimal mohan
User offline. Last seen 12 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Jul 2009
Posts: 5

Hi Mr.Ahmed

There is two way that you can update the actual cost, 

1. In Auto cost rules, you have "update the percent......" to a)actual cost to date b)Actual qty to date c) Link actual to date and actual this period. In this you have to deselect actual cost to date, so that u p3 will not calculate automatically the cost till the schedule date. You can manually enter the cost incurred and remaining cost will be transferred to balance duration. Then if you generate the report using RC Types, you will get what you want.

2. Suppose you want P3 to calculate the cost with respect to the activity percent, then set the rule in auto cost rules. Using RC Type reports, u will get the forecasted costs.

Remember the update for cost has to be done in Budget window not in resource window.



