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how can i obtain s curve

6 replies [Last post]
Yaser A. Al-Bustanji
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dear my friends
how can i obtain s curve if my programm not contains resources and cost
thank you


Shah. HB
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Hi to all

In the tools ,option , graphical reports there will be choices early & late, select which ever you need
User offline. Last seen 6 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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use tabular report tabular

or use graphic report with labels
Angel Cruz
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how to set up S-curve in P3 obtaining Late Dates using tabular reports resouce loading?
Rafael Davila
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Because the metrics is meaningless it does not matter how you update, anyway it will still be nonsense. You can use a single resource a single activity that span the whole job duration, assign a predefined curve and you will get equally invalid measure with less effort, if this is the idea. With P3 you will get a meaningless S-Curve with early and late dates at the click of the mouse, at this P3 is so good that even meaningless is easy.

If you stick to PP in a few months you will be throwing dirty water at me, and both will laugh, believe me here you will get good at planning, keep asking here.

Best Regards,
Yaser A. Al-Bustanji
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thank you for answer but during updating what i do
User offline. Last seen 6 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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you want scurve without resource or cost?

if you are in a hurry atleast add one resource for all activities and make BQ EQ OD