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Please close PRMBatch and rerun P3

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Jose Noe
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After restoring a file in P3, the following window appeared:
"please close PRMBatch and rerun P3"
I remember a few years ago, having this problem, but don’t recall the solution (and I am certain it was simpler than reinstalling the software).
Any ideas how to solve this?
Many thanks


Rafael Davila
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Unless you are referring to rerun P3 setup. Could it be that PRMBatch is locking your database, that you are required to close the batch program to unlock the btrieve database, then rerun P3 (NOT re-install) to see updated database files within P3? If this does not work try using the Project Recovery utility.

If you are referring to rerun P3 setup the issue might be with old btrieve files from a previous P3 or Btrieve installation. These could even prevent a clean re-install of P3.

Best regards,