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how to fix the negative float in P3.1

4 replies [Last post]
Genc Krasniqi
User offline. Last seen 16 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi everyone.
I started using primavera only recently and not very happy. I input all the activities and once I clicked schedule it shows that there is 200 days plus negative total float. What am I doing wrong? I check the early start and it shows a current date but then the late start right underneath it is a year old, i.e. 2008. What can I do to fix it? any assistance appreciated. Thank you very much, Genc


Ronald Winter
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Have you considered the possibility that it is not the negative float that needs fixing but the logic in your schedule? Negative float simply indicates that your work plan does not fit inside the time period that you have allotted for it. This frequently occurs with brand new schedules (although I must admit that 200 days is a lot to recover.)

May I suggest that you revisit the logic in your schedule? Perhaps you are planning for two distinct phases that could be carried on at the same time without problems. Perhaps you are purposely delaying the start of work than cannot be delayed if the project is to finish on-time.

And while you are at it, take another look at your duration estimates. Perhaps your activity time estimates are too cautious. Maybe this is an indication of under-manning the job. Add more crews to critical work and see what that does to the time estimates.

The role of a Planner includes optimizing your plan to fit project constraints. It looks as if you have your work cut-out for you. Good luck!
Dieter Wambach
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Early finish in 2008 does mean the data date - project’s status - is somewhere in 2008. Until which date the project was updated, the put the data date right.
Did you check for constraints - an * behind the date?
Genc Krasniqi
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Thank you for your note. The finish date for this project is November 04, 2010. I checked and the must finish date is right, however right under it on Project overview it shows as early finish some date in 2008.

This is what is causing the problem. But I have no idea how to fix it. Thank you again, Genc
Dieter Wambach
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Check under Project overview the "Must Finish Date". This works as a finish milestone with a mandatory constraint.
Good luck!