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Suspending an activity

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efren labay
User offline. Last seen 10 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Dec 2006
Posts: 12
Hi P3 Masters,

Here is my question, i have a detailed schedule and one activity say activity ’A’ has a orig duration of 20 days. It starts and after 5 days with 20 percent completion some problems happened were the consultant ask to suspend this activity. After 10 days problems was solve thus activity resumes but again after 7 days with 60 percent completion another problem happened and it must be suspended again but P3 allows one time suspension only, it is loaded with wt. % and resources, so what is the best way to do in P3 scheduling without affecting BCWS and BCWP.



User offline. Last seen 6 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 102
try to put a separate calendar for this activity w/ specified nonwork as holidays just to show the suspension of work