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Filte with Actual Dates

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Ad Ben
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Ok, In P3 I have my submittal’s made up for sorting with "Sub" in Area, and the Engineer’s review with the same area and also "Eng" in Item.
For my fabrication, I have "Fab" in area.

What I want to do is make a filter that basically gets me this.
When Item contains "Fab" & if the predecessor to that "Fab" has an actual finish, show both.

How do I do that???


Ad Ben
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Well I don’t totally understand what your saying, I tried what I thought you were saying, and all I got was "FAB" that was 100% complete.

Let me try this again.
In the Activity codes. I have my engineers submittal review listed in "Item" as "ENG".
In "Area" I have my fab listed as "FAB".

From what you wrote I made a filter that is level 1
Area/ Dept = FAB
Item = ENG
Level 2
percent complete = 100%

What I get is all Eng. Submittals and Fab that are 100%.
What I want is Eng. Submittals that are 100% and any Fab that is not 100%

Does that make sense?
Thanks for your help!!
Muhammad Zeeshan ...
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Well i guess what you can do is to Filter Activity
Level 1
Activity Id EQ FAB
Activity des FAB/ENG

Level 2
Percent comp 100