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Global variables

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James Barnes
User offline. Last seen 1 year 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Sep 2007
Posts: 243
Does anyone know if you can define global variables (either user or system) in Global Changes? I have been experimenting and looking in the manual and I can’t get it to work. User variables (&TMP, for example) seem to be reset at each activity, thus failing to carry the data over from the last one. Global variables that I can find, you only seem to be able to read, not write to.

Otherwise, is there a way to tie the custom data item on one actuvuty to the start date on a specified other? This would give me a direct route to what I am trying to do.



Ronald Romero
User offline. Last seen 1 year 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 63
I think your trying to link the dates of one schedule to another, perhaps you want to copy it and do some mathematical calculation or transformation on the said dates. In P3 we can only have the customs data variable for users defined variable the rest are static variable which is internally defined by the program but we can access it but no change it value.

For custom data item we can copy it global change or by using the target schedule update in that way you can link two diffrent file provided they have identical Activity ID and from there you can do glabal changes for your custom date.

Th @tmp variable data can be use for global change and will reset when you each time you store data to it . But usually in P3 you do single step calculation at a time so by the time you reset @TMP variable you have already use the former value for another calculation. @TMP works as a temporary storage of data be it numeric, precision, Date, etc.

Hope i made sense.
