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Logging P3 license use on the network

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James Barnes
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^ What it says, I’d like to see stats of our P3 license use. We have 15 licenses and we’re pretty sure we don’t need as many. Can I extract a log from anywhere to see how many are actually in use and when peak peiods etc are? I can understand that this would not be in the developer’s interests, but it sure would be in mine...



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if Pervasive SQL is installed, the login history may available.

Alternative, how about do it from server admin side, a log file who access P3 licence file?
John Raper
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I’m not aware of any log of users. However, get everyone who might use P3 to log on, then hit F5 (= ’View’,’Current Users’).
You should see all the user’s names and the project they are using.
If no one shouts that they cannot get a licence number when logging on then you are not getting 16 users trying!

You could try removing, say, 2 licences at a time and see how many you get down to before some one gets shut out. Then add 2 back in and you should be safe.

However, why bother? You can’t sell back the ones you don’t need! Might save on maintenance charges though.