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Actual % Completion vs. Planned % Completion

12 replies [Last post]
Basel Al-Jazzar
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how an i disconnect the actual % completion for each activity from the actual duration - in other way, to feed the % completion manually and not to be related the actual duration of the activity ? and how can i show the planned % completion for each activity linked with the planned early start of each activity ?


Hassan Emam
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what actually i need to do is plot a graph showing the relations between time and % completed
the percentage completed will be of Early planned, Late planned and Actual % Completed so from this graph you can know where are you from Schedule (Behind or Ahead or in between) Got my Point???
Edgar Ariete
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Yes you can. If you planned it late. Just make two (2) targets. One early target and one late target (just make sure you can get approval for your late target).

this is free anyway...
Hassan Emam
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Thanks for your interest and considering my query. I know what you are saying is correct but can i update a target project (Automatic Update) by late dates. that is my original question. if i updated the progress automatically it will update according to the early dates can i do the same proccess by using late dates
Edgar Ariete
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You can make as many target project as you like, but actuals are actuals. You can never have two actual start or actual finish for the same activity at the same time.

Updating Target is realizing your plan. Modeling it as if it actually happened.

Then compare it with your current project (which is your actual one), a dynamic project that reflects your actual resources and performance.

hope this explains my view...
Hassan Emam
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Edgar Ariete
thank you for your consideration but i think you didn’t get my point. i want the late dates % complete planned and the early as well to compare it to the actualsand know what is the exact situation. If we make all the activities with TF=0 then we don’t have early and late dates i need to plot a graph containing % Complete Early planned, % complete Late Planned and % Complete Actual Vs. The project duration in month. I hope you got my point and everyone can help me.

Hassan Emam
Edgar Ariete
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i guess nobody is planning to be late! just in case, make all your activities critical (in target project), that means zero total float for all the activities! and update it..

i hope it works
Hassan Emam
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the planned progress as you are discussing is the early planned % complete
and the actual planned % Complete we can get it from the current project by using the actual % completed in it
how can we get the late planned % complete

actualy actualy what i want to do is to make a graph where the horizontal scale will be time by month
the vertical scale will be %
then i’ll want to draw the early and late % VS time and each month update the actual if the actual line falls above the early planned that means we are ahead of schedule if falls between the two lines that means we still can finish on time
and finally if the actual line falls under the late planned line that means that we are behind schedule
so my problem now how to get the late planned %
Can you help me with this

Hassan Emam
ulysses garcia
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Target % will only show if you copy your schedule as target then compare it to the current schedule update as of D.D.( data date).. Menu..Tools > look for target in sub menu...
Mohamed Basheer
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Mr. Basel

Planned Progress will come only if you have a Target assigned and Update the target programme through update progress as on data date.( No manual work)

Hope i am right.

Basel Al-Jazzar
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thanx for reply, when u uncheck the first time this will lead that i have to fee actual % completion manually. But what about target % completion ? shall i feed it manually then ??
Ronald Winter
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This is Autocost Rule #1. Select Tools / Options / Autocost Rules. The Un-check the first rule, "Link remaining duration and scheudle percent complete." Good luck!
Santhosh kumar Na...
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for actual progress u will be puting manually right? for planned % progrss make a copy of ur target auot up date that u and see % complete. to auto update go to tools, update progress, (Check for all activity)