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Creating/Merging and/or Copying subprojects

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Steve Anderson
User offline. Last seen 18 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3
I am trying to add subprojects into the master plan or project (we can call it PRO1). These projects I wish to add are also subprojects of another master plan (we can call it PRO2). The thing is that these subprojects (of PRO2) I wish to add (to PRO1) have external relationships (to other subprojects within PRO2). What’s the best way to add these subprojects from PRO2 to PRO1 so that I don’t lose my external links? I tried with the Copy command but these external links were lost. I tried to use the Merge command, but it only accepts the project group (PRO2) into the host (PRO1), and that’s not what I want (I just want to merge SOME of the subprojects of PRO2 into PRO1, without losing the external links). For those experts creating subprojects, copying subprojects, doing copy and paste of activities or doing merge of projects, please let me know your comments on this issue. I will appreciate it a lot.

Thank you very much.


Nigel Hussey
User offline. Last seen 17 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 31
Alright this is not tooooo difficult.

1. Use export and export all your successors using a dBASE III/IV format. This is to ensure your file is not truncated due to the old Lotus row restrictions.
2. Copy you subprojects out into the new master project and then import the file you exported previously.
3. If you change you project ID’s you will have to edit the exported DBF file to change the Project ID code in the Activity ID, you can edit this file using Microsoft Excel.

hope this works for you or at least gives you a start in the right direction.