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Resource relationship within a task

6 replies [Last post]
Redzuan Samsudin
User offline. Last seen 14 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Good day to all

It was a relief that I found this forum!!! It is very helpful. Thank you all for your contribution.

My questions is:
Can we link many resources for a single task. Example:
Task = Install & Check Pipe Spool.
Resource use = Rigger, Pipe Fitter, Pipe Welder, Firewatcher, NDT
My guery = Can we link above resources in the task. Rigger SS Pipe Fitter FF Pipe Fitter FS NDT.

Hope you all understand my question.

Thanks & regards.


Redzuan Samsudin
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Good day

Thanks for info.
I will check & dload their demo.

Thanks again.

Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Primavera is task based, so you can’t show linking relationship for resources in P3. you can think of Spider Project Software for that option. you can find a demo copy from their website.
Redzuan Samsudin
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Good day

Thanks for the input.

So, the solution you mention is the ONLY way to link resources within a task??

My post/question arises because during my presentation to my boses (yesterday), one of them mentioned that linking resources in an activity is possible --> to achieve a logical Manning Level.

The way he said it, its like linking task by using relationship line.

Is this possible?

Sunley Mathew, PMP
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Hi Redzuan Samsudin ,
In Primavera Project Planner P3 we have an option in the Resource window(used for adding resource to task),for Resource Lag & Resource Duraton.By the proper use & adjustment of these you can for eg. have one resource at the start of a task, another at the end etc.
Rashid Iqbal
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Would not recommend, however, the thing which are looking for can be managed easily if you make resources as activties and then link them as you want. You can certainly make a hammock to umbrella these activities/resources.

Vahid Barzegar
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Hi Redzuan Samsudin,

In P3 you can choose a task as "Independent" which based on resources. I think, it is a way to solve your problem.