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Cost Profile

2 replies [Last post]
Andy McLean-Reid
User offline. Last seen 18 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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A new approach for me and I would welcome any advice.

We have a couple of projects that are variations on a main project yet are to be managed outside the main programme and represented at summary level. No problem there. However the resource allocation is split between these jobes over the course of the next 18 months or so.

We have resource positions as activities with a budget allocated according to our original cost/resource profile. However this would evenly distribute the BCWS which is not how the original spread is shown and the ACWP is likely to be. So an individual may have February with 7 days in the month, March with 0 days and April with 18 days.

Is there a way In P3 of allocating Costs on a month by month basis?

The purpose of this is to gain accurate Earned Value figures over the course of the project(s).


Andy McLean-Reid
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Thanks, I’ll let you all know how we manage t fix this particular dilemma but any further suggestions are welcome.

Joao Ribeiro
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Not that I know, although I can think of two posible ways to simulate it, that I have not tried:
1-Using resource calendars.
2-Using costume definined curves.