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7 replies [Last post]
Richard Beazley
User offline. Last seen 3 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
Hey Guys,

need your help. I have a legitimate copy of P3 on my laptop but do not have the source disc.

I have since bought a new laptop.

How can I transfer P3 across to the new laptop....???

appreciate any assistance on this....


Christian Adrian ...
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Hello Richard,

Just for information, the local P3 provider here is 2+soft (probably your company acquired P3e/c from them)... you can ask assistance from them about your condition..


Richard Beazley
User offline. Last seen 3 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
Thanks for all the feedback !! appreciate....

In short, I was working for a small consulting firm earlier this year, in Taiwan, and had to provide my own laptop and software. Now I am in Thailand, different employer, workstation provided and P3ec, but obviously want to keep my laptop version.... on my new laptop (at home).

I understand... that technically as I am with a different employer, that I should not continue to use my ex employer’s version of P3. Also that Primavera need to build in protection to prevent piracy... and if anyone could just copy across.... piracy would get out of hand !!!

I have the password... but not the disc... I don’t think my local Primavera office would be too sympathetic !!!

I seem to have two choices; keep my old laptop..... or stick with P3ec... which I’m struggling to adapt to (but I’m sure it’s a good product...for anyone in Corporate America)

I copied the folders across.... but couldn’t log in...
I thought it was all to do with the P3INI file....and maybe a few .dll files

thanks again for all the support... never heard of "Ghost" maybe that’s the answer !

Regards to all

Zhang Haixiang
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May be you can try Ghost to transfer the whole HD to your new laptop. I’m not sure if it works.
Clive Randall
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I miss read your initial post
Ronald is correct.
Unless you have the serial number of the disc its pretty doubtfull you will be able to upload to another computer.
Ronald Winter
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That might work (but probably won’t.) P3 uses several dll’s and other program extensions that must be registered before P3 can run.

Without the source disk and the status of the registered owner of a valid serial number, you probably are not the legal owner of that software. The software might have been valid at one time when P3 was loaded on both your laptop and your work computer, but it appears that you and the work computer have parted ways (and the license with it.) If I am incorrect, then you need to re-apply to Primavera for a replacement of your software.
Clive Randall
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You need to phone up your local P3 advice providor
Quote the licence number on the original disc and they will give you a password
Load up the disc in the normal way it will cal for a password type the one you have been given in and it should all go smoothly from there.
Hope it helps