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P3 Version 5

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Philip Richards
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Is anyone aware of any compatibility problems between Primavera V3.1 & V5.

A colleague in India who is running V5, is having problems restoring a PRX Backup file I created in V3.1

Any advise would be greatly appreciated


Philip Jonker
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iluted Hi Andy,

The point is that if you are a planner you know what you require from your tools. I am very apprehensive in what I say here, as I have had a good look at V5, and believe it may be able to do the job, but I have certain problems with it as they have changed terminology. Such as they now refer to barcharts as Ghant chart, which was the way I was taught, and they have moved away from Pert to activity networks. I think the people ruunning the projects of writing these new programs are not planners, but only have a vague idea of it, therefore the constant changes in terminology. For example a thing only has one name, that you were taught, so float does not all of a sudden become slack, as MSP tried.

What is the point in this, they obviously do not understand what they are doing, or, it is a marketing excercise. Whichever, they are missing the point. The fact is we had a tool that worked very well, and "they" decided, that for reasons of their own, that it is devoid, and that we need something new, and, it is for this reason that I have to go on a computor course for the first time in my life, as I cannot understand their conviluted thinking. By trying to give us this amazing tool, they have done us badly, the rise and the falll of the roman empire
Andy McLean-Reid
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Thanks for the update.

Philip Jonker
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Hi Andy,

My second day, found out some more good stuff, and how to work it,it has some potential. But, still have some problems with structuring, and the baselines
Philip Jonker
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Hi Andy,

My first day on version 5, and I found out the export and import functions work, via Excel, good news, howevever I had a bit of a problem with setting base dates, which I hope to solve

Will let you know the saga as I progress


Andy McLean-Reid
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I am considering P5 for my team, please let me know how you get on.

We currently run 3.1 due to customer requirements. However, I like new toys so want to reccomend this upgrade. If it turns out to be more trouble than it’s worth, though, I’ll happily give it a swerve.

I like the sound of the Excel interface. It is compatible with P3, I understand, but is it downwards compatible, ie: can I open a project in P3 once it has been worked on in P5?

There is a free 90 day trial in any case, and they sit on different platforms so can be run in conjuction with each other.

Still, I’d really appreciate some first hand experience.


Philip Jonker
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Hi guys

Version 5, is basically called primavera v5, it is a combination of some of the good points of v 4 ec and p3 v3.1.
the major factor is that it combines potential of v4.1ec with some of the better points of v3 3.1 in that you are able to import excel files, obviously you need the templates of the data base formats i.e., headings etc. This allows you the freedom to work within excel and create import as long as you have templates. This is a major step forward. The thinking within the primavera group is improving. Joy to all.
Mario Sanvitale
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Primavera v5’s backup and restore functions are essentially the same as they have always been in Primavera Enterprise. My understanding is that if you want to read a PRX file from P3 v3.1 into Primavera v5 you should rename the file (e.g. if the PRX file is fred.prx rename it to fred.exe), double click on the file and this will self-extract the files into P3 format which can then be read into Primavera v5. This is the same procedure as you would have adopted for any earlier version of Primavera Enterprise.

We’ve never tried it but if you exported the files from Primavera v5 in P3 format, compressed them with Winzip into a self extracting file, and then renamed that file .prx, that may be restoreable int P3? Just a suggestion!
Sukumaran Subaram...
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mktse / Mario,

Can we say that P5 don’t recognise / read prx file.
To open the P3v3.1 in P5 we need to copy the project file as it is from the site and send to HQ to open it.
That means no backup or restore function in P5.

Philip Jonker
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Hi guys and gals,

We are about to embark into the realms of version 5 and am meeting with the primavera expert tomorrow. Keep this thread going to enlighten us of the bugs, hopefully, in a few weeks time, I will be able to give good feeedback.

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I haven’t tried to import PRX, instead imnport .P3 directly and successful.
Please note "EVERYONE" with Read/Write access MUST be in the Access Right list. Otherwise, P5.0 machince need P3v3.1 install.
Mario Sanvitale
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To speed things up, you can rename the PRX file to a .exe file and it will auto extract if you open it to create P3 import files for P3e.
Mario Sanvitale
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There is no such product as P3 Version 5. Primavera 5 is the upgrade for Primavera Enterprise V4.1.

To transfer files from P3 v3.1 to Primavera 5 they must be imported as P3 files in Primavera 5. To transfer from Primavera 5 to P3 v3.1 you need to export as P3 files from Primavera 5.
Sukumaran Subaram...
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Both are different softwares, using for scheduling.