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Variance in Calendar Days

14 replies [Last post]
Razi Khan
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Hi Planners

Is it possible to have Variance Target1 Early finish in calendar days instead of working days ?

For example one project was suppose to complete on 18 Dec 2004 but now it is completing 1 Jan 2005 the total float column is showing -12 days and Variance target 1 early finish column is also showing -12 days. I just want to show the number of days delayed not "working days" delay.



Paul Harris
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I have had a closer look and I agree with you, it still calculates over the activity calendar. My apologies for giving you wrong advice.

What needs to be done is to convert a dates into workperiod numbers as integers and subtract them.

I have had a look at a few manuals and I cannot see a way unless the activity is on a 7 day per week calendar.

So what you may try is running a Global Change to change the activity calendars to a 7 day per week, saving the original calendar say in a CDI and then calculate the variance, then change the calendar back before recalculating the schedule. In my test environment I had to run one change to change the calendar and a second to calculate the variance and change the calendar back. It did not recognize the calendar change when I tried it all in one global change and I was using CDIs as dates not a Target Project.

This is a bit of messing around to set up but it may work.

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Planning and Scheduling Book Publishers, Training & Consulting
Razi Khan
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Hi Paul

Thanks a lot for your suggestions but my problem remains as it is.

I did it again using temp. variables as suggested by you but still the answer was not like Excel.

Custom Data Item

Global Run

If PCT NE 100


&DIB = &DFA - &DFB
DIF = &DIB + 1

&DFA = 1-01-05
&DFB = 18-12-04
&DIB = 12 ( In Excel (1-01-05) - (18-12-04) = 14 )
DIF = 13

Paul Harris
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I think you are subtracting one Custom Data Item Date from another Custom Data Item Date which will calculate over the calendar of the task.

The global change is must use temporary values say &D1and &D1 which are not writen to the database and therefore are not associated with a calendar:

Eg the Global change should be:

&D1 = EF
&D2 = T1EF
DIF = D1 - D2

Don’t forget that P3 uses day numbers not the current time so you will have to add another line to add one day to the result with an extra line in the global change to get the same answer as Excel:

DIF = D1F + 1

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Planning and Scheduling Book Publishers, Training & Consulting
Razi Khan
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Hi Paul

Here what I did after your suggestion but answer was still the same previous 12 days.

Custom Data Item

D1 F 7 Early Finish
D2 F 7 Target Early Finish
DIF N 3 Var In Days

Global Run

PCT NE 100

D1 = EF
D2 = T1EF
DIF = D1 - D2

After Run

D1 = 1JAN05
D2 = 18DEC04
DIF = 12

Deduction is not like in Excel where (1-1-05)-(18-12-05) = 14.
Are you sure P3 treats dates deductions as Excel treats ?
Paul Harris
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If you use Global change and copy the two dates you wish to compare into two temporary fields, say &T1 and &T2, then subtract then on the third line of the global change and put the result into a CDI (Custom Data Item), the resulting calculation will be in elapsed days.

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Planning and Scheduling Book Publishers, Training & Consulting
Razi Khan
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Thanks Andrew.

I was just interested to get the answer without using other software.
Andrew Podolny
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It’s easy to do if you’re familiar with MSAccess or Excel (MSAccess is better IMHO). Just make one Custom Data Item (Numeric, say DIFF for instance) Export from P3 ActivityID, early and late dates for current & target projects and Activity Custom data items to DBF format then open this file either by Excel or Access.
Put a formula for DIFF as ES-T1ES (in Excel) or make an update query for DIFF in Access. Due to MSOffice’s logic the difference will be calculated without any day-offs.
And the last step: import file back to P3.
Note: You may delete all columns except Activity ID and DIFF.
A little bit complicated but it works.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Shahzad Munawar
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Sure and no doubt that LDs are always applied on calender days not working days.
Razi Khan
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Thanks guys.

Leave it and forget it. I think there is no simple solution. Its high time for Primavera to develop the option of getting specially the Variances in working days or calendar days. For simple reason when we talk about delays it always means calendar days not working days and LD are applied on calendar days delays not working days delays.
Maria Ahlberg
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You can assign a calender with only workingdays to the activity you have trouble with, but to make the figures correct you have to show the same calender for that activity in the main project as in the target project.
If you often want to show the total amount of days, why not allways use a calender with 7 workdays?
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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yes it is possible, you can change your calendar working days accordingly to suit your requirements.
Raj Maurya
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If it for your one last activty to get the result as you want can just define Thursday/Friday as working day(Exception).I think this will help in your case.
Razi Khan
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Let me make it more clear. If you deduct 18-Dec-2004 from 1-Jan-2005 the answer is 14 days but in Variance Target 1 early finish column shows -12 days since 2 Fridays are non working days. How to get -14 days as answer in P3 ? Anyway thanks for response Shazad.
Shahzad Munawar
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You may add new item as " delayed days " in Custom data items and can show "number of days delayed" in this item as per variance