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Resource Requirement in P3

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Subhash Babu Chan...
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I am basically planning for Road Project. In the project we have Excavation in Hard Rock, Soft Rock and etc. In P3 I have defined the Resource for the project and assigned them to each activity.

Considering a particular cse where after assigning ONE EXCAVATOR simultaneously to two activities (Exc. for Hard Rock & Exc. for Soft Rock) I got some finish dates. Now my querries are

Q1. If I want to reduce the duration of the completion of above activities How should I?
Q2. If I were to increase the resource how should I go for and bring about the optimal use of it?

May pleas suggest?


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Q1. Time duration cannot reduce. Only one excavator, complete the activities one by one. Duration of each activity will depends on the production rate.
Q2. If in resource library, stated the upper limit of excavator is 2, then do a schedule and level to the network, over duration may cut down since 2 activities are in progress "parallel"