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Planned % Complete S Curves at EST & LST

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Mike Swan
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I’m interested in producing planned % complete S curves at EST and LST. Then track actual % complete as the contract progresses.

Does anyone know how to calculate these planned percentages from the target programme?
My solution so far is to take a copy of my target programme and update progress using the auto functionality for each projected update date. This gives me EST.
Then take another copy and use global change to move all the EST to LST and repeat the process. A time consuming exercise.


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Let me understand the question by clarifying the ff. points:

1) What do EST and LST means? Early Scheduled Target and Late Scheduled Target?

2) Why do you need to update the target programme to get the EST?

3) Why do you have to move all the EST to LST by global change?

4) Are you producing the s-curves inside P3 or outside the system using other graphical software?

Zq qz
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Steps: Go to the ff p3 menu
1- Tools
2- Tabular reports
3- Resource
4- Tabular >> timescale menu >> then select menu for Schedule 1 and schedule 2 , type filename and path

thats it,

B Cass
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"I’m interested in producing planned % complete S curves at EST and LST. Then track actual % complete as the contract progresses."

If you’re looking for activity % and not cost % you can create a new resource called DUR and copy all your original durations to the BQ column for DUR using Import/Export. Once you’ve done this, go to your grahpic reports and run a resource curve using DUR as your selection and show early/late dates. I run my Baseline schedule as Target 2, previous month’s update as Target 1. I mostly run histograms and compare the difference between the early and late dates for each month. It’s not precise but it’s a good reference tool.
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1- Cost load the Job with a resource named PA for Payment Application
2- Assign same resource "PA" several times for a single activity using a unique cost account per Payment Breakdown Item for easy cross referencing. In this way an activity sucks as Lighting Fixtures Building A might be cost loaded for Fixture Type A and C while Lighting Fixtures Building B might be cost loaded for Fixture Types A an G. As you can see a Payment Breakdown Item can span several Activities, while a single Activity can span several Payment Breakdown Items.
3- After distributing all your Payment Breakdown Amounts you can create a Table Layout for easy data entry to update Payment Applications directly from the table.
4- From P3 Graphic Reports as well as Tabular reports you can get the Early and Late Progress Payment Curves Reports.
5- P3 allows you to present a Resource/Cost Graphic Reports with 2 Baselines and the current job in the same Graph, with the option to use Early Dates, Late Dates or Both.
6- Use Period posting so P3 shows true spread.
7- Time consuming and error prone. I still prefer to use a summary spreadsheet based on my P3 Schedule to develop and track my S Curves and not to complicate things trying to match my schedule to the Payment Applications.

If you are using Suretrack you must create a resource per Payment Breakdown Item as Cost Accounts are not available, this is also an option under P3 to be considered if want to model unit prices instead of just % complete.

You won’t get the curves for early dates and late dates in the same Suretrak run.

Good Luck

Brennan Westworth
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In the past I have done this by exporting the Early/Late and then EV data to excel using suretrak’s pivot table wizard.