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Shift resters using P3

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User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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What is the latest advice on applying shifts in P3 ie Shutdowns using a mixture of resources using 12 hr day shift, 2 x 12 hr shifts and maybe 3 x 8hr shifts. Are there are any advantages in naming the crews separately ie FITA, FITB, FITC or does anyone have more advanced naming conventions that allow summary resources to be analysed


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User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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You need to "construct" different calendars to suit each shift, then allocate the calendars codes to each activity as appropriate (fill cell is useful for this)We have never created different resources for different shifts, because a fitter is still a fitter whether he is on day shift or night shift. If you wish to know how many night shift resources are required, for example, simply use your filter.