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ES, LS, Mandatory Start & Finish constraints remov

6 replies [Last post]
Gary Lister
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I have just recieved a copy of programme with 4000 activities, I am going to use this programme as a template fro two other platforms, i have removed the actual start & finish dates and the percentages using global change but cannot remove the constraints ( 1500 of them) i have exported to excel and re-imported but the constraints are still there, Is there any way to remove constraints without removing every one individually.


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RA is available long long time ago, but I disn’t notice what RA stand for, may be Remote Access (kidding). RA ia just some programming work to run some data communication connection from P3 to some other software, like Excel, Access, FoxPro, etc.
In most situation, we use export/import to get data from/to P3, the limitation is only part of P3 data can be "touch", by RA, you have more.
I remember on CD, there ia a P3 data map. It helps much on establish add-on solution.
Ronald Winter
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It is funny, but although I have been using RA for years, I don’t know what it stands for either. I went back to the P3 3.1 installation disk and looked in the Ra help file (it doesn’t seem to rate a manual, only help files and samples.) The introduction does not define it and even the glossary only says what it does, not why it is called, “RA”.

RA is another method of accessing P3 schedules and the data in them other than using P3 itself. It is like Batch, only much different. You use OLE to access the RA API (Application Program Interface) which then accesses your P3 data using P3 rules. You can use Excel or Visual Basic to make the OLE connection to RA.

Don’t look to the manuals on the P3 installation disk for help. Instead use Explorer and access the CD’s “RA” directory. There you will find the RA help file and a series of confused samples and unrelated documents. Put them together, stir them around, and you have yourself a very programmable interface into P3! Good luck!
Zq qz
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Hello, can you elaborate what RA means
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Or by RA, the fill the value for constraint is "DELETE"
Steven Oliver
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What about a Global Change, with the line SNE EQ " " (for Early Start Constraint, MF for mandatory finish etc)
Paul Harris
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The easiest way is to open the file with SureTrak, display the constraints in a column and then use the Cell Copy and Paste to remove them.

If you do not have a copy of SureTrak, I recommend you get one as it has some very neat features that P3 does not have, like copy & paste from Excel, Group by Activity ID, Predessor and Successor, Constraints & Log in Columns.


Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris