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intermittent activities

17 replies [Last post]
Sihabudin Irpan
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Dear planners,

I have a simply easy question, would you like to tell me about how to create a intermittent activities in P3?

eg. I have one activity but it has three steps to make it complete.I want put its in one activity and one Act_ID (not splited become three activities like used to be).

Hope to receive your reply
best regards,

Irpan, Sihabudin


Jorge Taguinod
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1. Using the same resource multiple times in an activity.
This is possible even without cost accounts. Just use a Resource Curve Designator from G to Z.

2. You may want to use the Log Form as a sort of Checklist, and define up to 99 subtasks there. Once you finish a subtask, you can just tick the Mask box. This is also useful if you display the logs in the bar chart. Subtasks that have the Mask box ticked off are not printed in the bars anymore.

In P3e, a feature called Steps is provided and each carries a percent weight. Everytime you fulfill a step, then the activity PCT is automatically updated.

Crown Systems (Philippines)
Ed van der Tak
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Both Ali and Sihabudin,

Hereby my e-mail adress for your info.

Also to be found by looking at "Members" phrase "Tak" and clicking my ID number 1345.

Awaiting your reply,

Ed van der Tak
Manager Operations
ARAM Planning Consultants
The Netherlands
Ali Vessali
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Dear Sihabudin,

You can send me an E-mail to the following address:

Ali Vessali
Ali Vessali
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Dear Sihabudin,

As far as I understand, you can use one resource assigned to this activity by using Res. Lag and Res. Duration. In this case you can assign one resource concentrated in one or two portion of activity duration.
But in order to show three activities in one row (one activity), you can define a new calendar for this activity with holidays defined for the activities gap duration.
Hope it will work.

Ali Vessali
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Dear Sihabudin,

As far as I understand, you can use one resource assigned to this activity by using Res. Lag and Res. Duration. In this case you can assign one resource concentrated in one or two portion of activity duration.
But in order to show three activities in one row (one activity), you can define a new calendar for this activity with holidays defined for the activities gap duration.
Hope it will work.

Ali Vessali
Ed van der Tak
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Dear Ali,

Sorry, but assigning more of the same resources to one activity can only be done when you apply different cost accounts. Even then trying to draw seperate (more than one) resource bars will not work. P3 sums them up and draws one bar.

But wait .....

Drawing each bar might then be possible by organizing at cost account (resource bar only or with the activity bar as a kind of overall summary or hammock bar).

Ive tested it and it works! Great!

Dont continue the search (or come up with other alternatives!)

All the best,

Ed van der Tak
ARAM Planning Consultants
The Netherlands
Sihabudin Irpan
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Dear Ali and Ed,

Thanks alot for your kind of response about my matters.
Honestly, its increase my knowledge about P3.

mightbe it necessary if i could give more explaination both of you about this matter.

Could you send me your email adrress,so i could send you and describe both of you about this.

Hope receive your respon ASAP

thanks, always keep on Planning guys!!!

Sihabudin Irpan
Sihabudin Irpan
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Dear Ed,

Actually ive done all what youre explaination in your letter.
thanks anyway..

to be frankly, im still curious about this matter.
is there any possibility in p3 to create that? if not.. i will use the system that ive already had (in spread sheet software).

thanks, always keep on planning...

Irpan, Sihabudin

Ed van der Tak
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Dear Irpan (or should i say dear Sihabudin?),

Your explanation is clear and recognizable. Using more (3) resources on one activity in your case will not be possible because the resource is the same all out the activity. I still wonder why you stick to one activity, is it because of the deliverable ID (or number/reference)? Instead of three bars an option i used was to put markers (via CDIs) on the bar representing the submission dates. In many cases the total (overall) duration of such activities will be "strecht" especially due to the finalizing of the document.

Back to your question the answer is no unless you can work with a) different resources (or man1,man2,man3 etc) b) work with CIDs which will become difficult when progressing and/or rescheduling.

My advice is to create more than one activty (if you have a lot of acts fastest via export/import) or work with markers via CIDs.


Ed van der Tak
Aram Planning Consultants
The Netherlands
Sihabudin Irpan
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Dear Ed Van Der Tak,

Thanks for your replied.

Ok maybe better i tell you detail about this matter,

I am working for the engineering consultant for oil and gas company.
Most of in the engineering progress system, they have activities which has a several steps to make it complete.
as i describe you before, each activity in the deliverables has a three step ie. IFR (Issued for Review - 50%), IFA (Issued for Approval - 90%) and AFC (Approval for construction- 100 %) or IFB (Issued for bid -100 %) for FEED Project.

Ive already had a progress system calculation report which done with spread sheet software (Excel or Lotus 123).

now, i want try make the system use p3 as i explained you before.

could p3 do the spread manhours in saparate bar..??

I have one activity which has:
1st step it start by 01 jan03 and finish by 10 jan03 - it has 50% load of manhours

2nd step it start by 18 jan03 and finish by 25 jan03 -
it has 40 % load of manhours

3rd step it start by 05 feb03 and finish by 15 feb03 - it has 10% load of manhours.

Actually each step has FS Relationship,2nd steps can start only if 1st steps done etc.
i want make it in one activity, is it possible p3 do that?

thanks for your consideration and kindly comment..

Irpan, Sihabudin
Ed van der Tak
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Dear Irpan,

Can you give a little bit more info about your need for these seperate bars on 1 activity. Will there never be relationships to the second or third bar? Will this option limit you in identifing your total float/critical path?
Is there any specific reason that you can only use 1 activity ID? Is a connection to a database present etc.?


Ed van der Tak
Aram Planning Consultants
The Netherlands
Soheil Jafari
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Dear Sir,
I think that you can olny show what do you want not for caculation only for presentation
1- specify CDI for each step
for example: CDI1 for first step
CDI2 for second step...
you can show only 4 steps for each activities because you can define only 8 CDI in P3.
than go to format bar and define new activity bar for each step!
good luck
Sihabudin Irpan
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Dear soheil,

thanks alot for your comment about my matters.
the system that i using now is exactly what you explained to me in your letter.

i used the hammock activities almost in all my schedule, coz we need that kind of activity in schedule dont we?

what i meant is..could we create the intermitten activities in one bar...but not a kind of hammock activities.

maybe you can see what im describe below:

Act_id | Act_desc | weeks
| |
1000 | Specification for motor | ==== === ===

best regards,

Soheil Jafari
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I think you can use hamock activity type
1st you create 3 activity due to your requirement
2nd you create 1 activity with hamock type
when you need to enter activities information you can work with 3 actitivities and other times you can show only hamock activities
Sihabudin Irpan
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Dear Ed,

thanks for your comment.
I got your point,Ive already knew about how to use a multiple different resource if some activities need to use that.
what i meant in this matter is how to create an inttermitten activity if i have one activity which has lets say three steps to complete it.
I have one activity which has:
1st step it start by 01 jan03 and finish by 10 jan03
2nd step it start by 18 jan03 and finish by 25 jan03
3rd step it start by 05 feb03 and finish by 15 feb03

the problem is how can i put those steps in one activity and one Act_id in Primavera.

i tried use the suspend and resume date in primavera...but still not solve this problem.

Ive done this in DOS version before.

im loking forward to your next replies,
best regards

Irpan, Sihabudin

Ed van der Tak
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Sorry for all the gramatical errors. But its already 8 min past 11 (not 17:08 as the date in the reply shows)

Good luck!
Ed van der Tak
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Dear Irpan,

If yoour activity consists of multiple different resources just add mor resources to your activity. Then youy can even draw seperate resource bars (select resource start and finish dates). If not please reply and well think further!


Ed van der Tak
Aram Planning Consultants
The Netherlands